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Epilepsy Foundation Middle Tennessee

Over 80,000 People in Tennessee are Living with Epilepsy

The Epilepsy Foundation Middle Tennessee provides programs and services that support people and families impacted by epilepsy. With the strength of a national organization and network of epilepsy experts, EFMTN provides national scope and local impact.


From groundbreaking research to SUDEP support, local educational programs and a 24/7 Helpline, Epilepsy Foundation Middle Tennessee is here to serve you.


We are leading the fight to END EPILEPSY® in the 40 counties of Middle Tennessee by supporting and mobilizing the epilepsy community through educational activities, direct services, advocacy, as well as research to accelerate therapies to stop seizures, find cures, and save lives. The Foundation also seeks to educate the general public to better understand epilepsy and seizure disorders, including knowing proper seizure first aid.

How to Contact Our Staff

Email us at bgreen@efa.org




Support Our Story

With your help, we can continue to raise awareness by sharing stories from the epilepsy community. Your tax deductible donation to the Epilepsy Foundation can change lives for the better.

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