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Any Suggestions???

Sat, 07/08/2006 - 16:34
My 6yr old daughter had a 23hr video EEG at the beginning of May, to this day...I still have not received the results. Of course I have called sev times and I was told there is only one person that can read the results and he was about a month behind. I am furious at this point, I feel like I cannot get any Neurologist to concern themself with helping my child. To add insult to injury, they keep scheduling me for follow ups. I am extremely overcome with grief and anger, I'm sure many of you have received the run-around. Any ideas as how to overcome this situation?


Re: Any Suggestions???

Submitted by kayakmom on Sat, 2006-07-29 - 08:27
I would go ahead and schedule the follow up and ASK about the results. Discuss the frustration about not getting the results. The other advice would be to talk to the hospital social worker about not getting results in a timely manner. Waiting this long is very stressful..... try to respond as calmly as possible.... Next step is to move on to a second opinion of these do not help.... I am so sorry you are not getting answers. I just wonder if the follow up is how they want to get the results to you? hang in there! Hoping you can get answers! this sounds SO frustrating! I have had this happen with a doctor who would NOT answer phone calls or give answers.....we did not keep him....

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