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been MIA for a long time..need help from u all, i'm lost

Wed, 08/31/2005 - 11:22
I just did another VEEG in July, for 7 days, and it was normal( well they called it "pretty good"). They did neuropsychological testing on me and discovered huge gaps between my verbal skills and spatial skills. I bombed the short term memory section, which I predicted because over time my short term memory has detoriorated. Anyways, one doctor( neuropsychologist) told me she thought i may be having epileptic seizures but they have never happened while i was hospitalized( i've done a 4 day and a 7 day VEEG both this year), another doctor( my current neuro) said i am not having epileptic seizures at all, and the third( another neuropsychologist) said we may never know what is going on. i had a few staring spells while i was there for the 7 days, both of which were "deemed" non-epileptic from the results, even though i felt them coming on. anyways, on the 15th of this month, i woke up abruptly at about 3:30 am, and i was nauseas and my bladder felt as though it was going to explode, so i hurried into the bathroom, with a bottle of gatorade in my hand i was drinking from because i was thirsty also, and after i used the restroom, i went right back to sleep, like instantly..when i woke up later in the morning, i felt very cruddy..and i had a decent sized cut in the inside of my lower lip, as well as what looked to be teethmarks all over the middle of my lower lip. a buddy of mine came by later that day  had told me that i wasn't acting right, that i wasn't all there..he made similar comments for the rest of the week, as well as my brother Zach, and i felt very weak and lethargic and off-balance and dizzy from time to time for a little over a week until i felt mostly back to normal. i don't know that my energy levels ever really got back to normal though.. for most of the day after that episode i had some incredibly sharp pains through my head..that was a monday, on wednesday of that week i was so weak i was trying to get up in the morning and i literally could not get up, and ended up falling back to sleep and was eventually able to at least get up, but not much more than that. another one of the problems is that i have had 2 cycles this month, the beginning of the month and just this past week i had another one.  And now, a few days ago I took an Advil Liqui-Gel for a headache and about an hour later, my headache got worse and i began to twitch and had a staring spell and got dizzy and started having prickling pains all over my head and eventually became nauseas and that was monday nite of this week that that happened, and i am feeling weak still and having diarhhea and still feeling nauseas. i have taken Advil Liqui gels before and never had a problem, that was 3 or 4 months and all, but now i can't tolerate them. in the past year i have had similar experiences with Zantac, Tagamet, Midol, and Sudafed, i have taken them since my first and only "confirmed" seizure last year and i have been able to tolerate them, and a few months later i take them again and i cannot. yesterday i threw away a bunch of boxes of crackers and cookies that i had just bought, had to go fish them out of the trash bag once i realized what i did with them later in the day..i didn't bother to check if they were empty and i had just bought them..i feel like my brain is mush right now. Just this past Saturday I went to the Minnesota state fair with my fam and a friend, it wasn't a hot day or anything, it was relatively cool, but the sun was shining down really hard, and i have problems with bright light, I must have fallen into Jason a dozen times LOL. I am looking for suggestions, advice, this point i don't know what to do..i'm really feeling like giving up on trying to find answers..anything from u guys would be appreciated..

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