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can you help

Tue, 01/04/2005 - 17:55

Hello I just joined. I have had several brain surgeries, 3 Cerebellum, and one deep in the right temporal lobe (aneurysm), that was the last one , 3 months post op Anyeusm I had a small stroke(TIA) that landed me in hospital and on bloodthinner even though TIA only lasted about an hour, had EEG in hospital few days later showed some sligh abnormalities in R Temporal Lobe, a year later just had 24 hour EEG as since that time Ive had on going difficulties. this 24 hour EEG showed no known Epiletiform, but they said this too was an Abnormal EEG with much much more going on in R temporal lobe this time than last year even.


findings: Automated Spikes triggered by vertex from sleep, eye blinking but with no epi forms showing.

Slowing is seen over right Temporal Chain, with a very slow Theta and Delta and even more pronounced when patinet is asleep.

EEG Interpretation: Abnormal EEG showing Focal slowing involving the Entire Right Temporal Region.



RE: can you help

Submitted by music on Tue, 2005-01-04 - 15:36

went to read my post again, notcied that I had to hurry off so daughter could get on and didnt get a chance to say thankyou! and hope somebody reads my help post and replies(smile). hope your having a good day.



went to read my post again, notcied that I had to hurry off so daughter could get on and didnt get a chance to say thankyou! and hope somebody reads my help post and replies(smile). hope your having a good day.



RE: can you help

Submitted by mexican_fire on Tue, 2005-01-04 - 16:52

Hi my name is  nancy.

I have some information on the differnt meanings of the stuff on the EEG.

There are only 3 kinds of abnormality found.  Spikes, waves, and slowing, or any combo of these.

Spikes are represented when the cells of the brain fire simultaneously, producing an electrical abnormality on the EEG.  They also indicate the area of the brain where the seizure started.  Multifocal spiking indicates that there is multiple seizure foci.  Spikes are NOT significant unless they are found consistently in one area.

A common cause of slowing is the post-ictal state.  It can take several hours to dissipate, and is best diagnosed by when it does go away.  Post-ictal slowing or any slowing lasting  for days, further evaluation is needed.

Focal slowing over one part of the brain is always an area of stong concern, and requires careful evaulation, because it occurs in association with a local disturbance of the brain, such as a concussion, stroke, or tumor.  In anyone who has epilepsy and has had a seizure, focal slowing on an EEG, may therefore require further studies and treatment.

Slowing ALL over the brain--generalized slowing--signifies disturbed brain function caused by acute disturbances of whole brain function--chemical disturbances, lack of 02, infections, or severe head injuries with loss of consiousness.


Vertex or midline epileptiform discharges can be seen with medial frontal foci.  Frontal foci not infrequently exhibit spikes or sharp waves from the temporal leads.  That is for Frontal lobe Epilepsy.

Interictal EEGs may shopw normal results, focal slowing, focal spikes, and sharp waves that are unilateral or bilateral, synchronous, or asynchronous.  Slowing and sharp activity spreading beyond parietal leads is not uncommon.  Vertex or midline epileptiform abnormalities, can be seen with somatosensory seizures arising from the mesial surface of the parietal lobe.

That is all I have right now.


Hi my name is  nancy.

I have some information on the differnt meanings of the stuff on the EEG.

There are only 3 kinds of abnormality found.  Spikes, waves, and slowing, or any combo of these.

Spikes are represented when the cells of the brain fire simultaneously, producing an electrical abnormality on the EEG.  They also indicate the area of the brain where the seizure started.  Multifocal spiking indicates that there is multiple seizure foci.  Spikes are NOT significant unless they are found consistently in one area.

A common cause of slowing is the post-ictal state.  It can take several hours to dissipate, and is best diagnosed by when it does go away.  Post-ictal slowing or any slowing lasting  for days, further evaluation is needed.

Focal slowing over one part of the brain is always an area of stong concern, and requires careful evaulation, because it occurs in association with a local disturbance of the brain, such as a concussion, stroke, or tumor.  In anyone who has epilepsy and has had a seizure, focal slowing on an EEG, may therefore require further studies and treatment.

Slowing ALL over the brain--generalized slowing--signifies disturbed brain function caused by acute disturbances of whole brain function--chemical disturbances, lack of 02, infections, or severe head injuries with loss of consiousness.


Vertex or midline epileptiform discharges can be seen with medial frontal foci.  Frontal foci not infrequently exhibit spikes or sharp waves from the temporal leads.  That is for Frontal lobe Epilepsy.

Interictal EEGs may shopw normal results, focal slowing, focal spikes, and sharp waves that are unilateral or bilateral, synchronous, or asynchronous.  Slowing and sharp activity spreading beyond parietal leads is not uncommon.  Vertex or midline epileptiform abnormalities, can be seen with somatosensory seizures arising from the mesial surface of the parietal lobe.

That is all I have right now.


RE: RE: can you help

Submitted by music on Tue, 2005-01-04 - 17:55

wow thankyou SOOO much, that helps me alot, reading these things is so confusing to me. After my anyerusm I woke up and lost memory for years worth, I was also diagnosed with apraxia, aphagia and loss of proprioception.


thanks gagain you have helped greatly.


sincerly Music

wow thankyou SOOO much, that helps me alot, reading these things is so confusing to me. After my anyerusm I woke up and lost memory for years worth, I was also diagnosed with apraxia, aphagia and loss of proprioception.


thanks gagain you have helped greatly.


sincerly Music

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