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Mon, 08/08/2005 - 19:21

Hi Everyone.

I just turned 17 and I’m a bit confuse. When I was 10 I was diagonis with Absence Epilepsy. I took medicen to reduce them and every few months I would have a EEG. When I was 14 I had a EEG and they told me I didn’t have epilepsy anymore. But now its getting scary. It started about a year ago. I’ve been getting daily headaches and more than once a day. It’ll start about 1 or 2 hours after I wake up in the morning. Not only I’ve been getting headaches, but also black outs more than once a day. Usually my black outs happen when I lay down or sit for a while and then I get up. Sometimes my legs would give out for a few seconds and I would have to hold onto the wall or something to stop me from falling. I’m also pretty sure I’m having silent seizures again. I also have been having jerky movements with my arms. I told my mom this and I went to a nerulogist. They told me to take a EEG and MRI ( I think). I get confuse between a MRI and a cat scan. When I took them they said that everything was normal. Do you think I have a more server epilepsy? Can it come back? Is this all normal? I don’t think it is. Can the EEG be wrong? Is it possible to have a seizure free day or something when I took the tests? It’s all so confusing. I also took a blood and a pee test. The doctor said that everything appeared to be normal. Well. Please post.


RE: Confuse

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2005-08-08 - 19:21

Sorry to hear all the problems you are having. It's not unusual for seizures to 'go away' for a while and return or be more noticeable at other times in life. Some types of seizures are easy to pick up, and others that are not as visible or occur at specific times of day can be easily missed. You are right in that an EEG doesn't always detect seizure activity - it just captures what is going on in the brain when the EEG is being done, and even then, it may not detect all seizure activity. Take a look at the information on this site under types of seizures and epilepsy  at ( and then at the section on testing ( Take a list of observations in to your doctor, and ask family members or friends to share their observations as well. Sometimes videotaping symptoms that occur at home is helpful, especially if they occur frequently. This may help sort out if the events are possible seizures or open the door to talk about other tests.

Hope some of this helps.. Keep asking the questions and talking to your doctor about next steps!


Sorry to hear all the problems you are having. It's not unusual for seizures to 'go away' for a while and return or be more noticeable at other times in life. Some types of seizures are easy to pick up, and others that are not as visible or occur at specific times of day can be easily missed. You are right in that an EEG doesn't always detect seizure activity - it just captures what is going on in the brain when the EEG is being done, and even then, it may not detect all seizure activity. Take a look at the information on this site under types of seizures and epilepsy  at ( and then at the section on testing ( Take a list of observations in to your doctor, and ask family members or friends to share their observations as well. Sometimes videotaping symptoms that occur at home is helpful, especially if they occur frequently. This may help sort out if the events are possible seizures or open the door to talk about other tests.

Hope some of this helps.. Keep asking the questions and talking to your doctor about next steps!


RE: Confuse

Submitted by yannie44 on Tue, 2005-08-09 - 08:53

Hi Rockonpuppys,

Feeling faint or dizzy when you stand up after sitting or lying down can also be caused by a drop in blood pressure.

I think it's called postural hypotension. When you sit up after lying down give yourself some time before you stand up. Don't stand up quickly. Give your body (and blood pressure) time to adjust from one position to another.

Definately mention this to your doc so you get proper advice.

Good luck,

Maryanne :)

Hi Rockonpuppys,

Feeling faint or dizzy when you stand up after sitting or lying down can also be caused by a drop in blood pressure.

I think it's called postural hypotension. When you sit up after lying down give yourself some time before you stand up. Don't stand up quickly. Give your body (and blood pressure) time to adjust from one position to another.

Definately mention this to your doc so you get proper advice.

Good luck,

Maryanne :)

RE: Confuse

Submitted by asdmom on Wed, 2005-08-10 - 17:55

Did the doctors mention Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy? My son, now 18 yr old had arm jerks for about 6 months, then had a tonic/clonic seizure when he was 17. The EEG showed JME pattern. They told me it is possible to have a normal EEG, then a not so normal EEG. The neurologist's first question to us was had he ever had absence seizures when he was younger. I had never observed it, but may have just missed it. But I have also heard absence seizures can come and go, and not develop into anything else. Are they going to repeat  the EEG? Good luck! By the way, my son is on meds, has not had arm jerks or seizures since!


Did the doctors mention Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy? My son, now 18 yr old had arm jerks for about 6 months, then had a tonic/clonic seizure when he was 17. The EEG showed JME pattern. They told me it is possible to have a normal EEG, then a not so normal EEG. The neurologist's first question to us was had he ever had absence seizures when he was younger. I had never observed it, but may have just missed it. But I have also heard absence seizures can come and go, and not develop into anything else. Are they going to repeat  the EEG? Good luck! By the way, my son is on meds, has not had arm jerks or seizures since!


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