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Mon, 04/25/2005 - 16:18
hi i was diagnosed with epilepsy 9months ago. i recently went for an VEEG however even though i had three seizures none of them registered on the EEG, i didnt thing this was possible. my doctor said that i am having grand mal seizures but how can he say this if nothing showed on the EEG? any imput would be great X


RE: diagnosis

Submitted by Yakota on Wed, 2005-04-20 - 13:14
Hi Lucycaller. Has your doctor witnessed one of your seizures? If you didn't have sezure or any noticable seizure activity while having the eeg then it makes sense that no seizure would show up. If indeed you are having chlonic tonic seizure it will eventually be documented on an eeg. If you doc is any good then he will run another eeg. I hope you get to the core of the problem soon. In the meantime try and stay as stress free as possible. Keep me posted.Take care. Linda.

RE: RE: diagnosis

Submitted by lucycaller on Thu, 2005-04-21 - 07:19
yes my doctor witnessed two whilst i was under VEEG but they did not show on the machine. he made a diagnosis on the physical side of my seizure. (severe jerking, loss of conciousness etc.)my friend who is a carer has also seen them and she also believes that they are grand mal but y dont they show on my EEG?

RE: RE: RE: diagnosis

Submitted by hewie on Fri, 2005-04-22 - 07:09

Lucy, when was your VEEG?  and what kind of med(s) are you on for the seizures?  As said, I did extensive research and very often seizures that originate deep in the limbic system of the brain do not show up on Scalp EEG and more invasive electrical testing (putting small wires into the brain) sometimes is used...   IF... the doc felt that was necessary, I guess he would've suggested it... but he says grand mal and I agree with him and your friend... The type of seizure activity you describe seems evidence enough in itself but it is still important to be sure so the right treatment is prescribed.  It's just that different seizure types respond differently to different meds but maybe your doc just is just starting to try you on meds and to see what is going on??

If you were just recently diagnosed it can take awhile to get the right combination of meds to see what will and won't work.  Everyone is different in this.  You'll read people saying this or that med stinks or is good... but what matters is what works for you!  I take Neurontin and Lamictal - both of which have very little side effects for me and have read horror stories about them both. I am scheduled for another VEEG (been a year) due to worsening symptoms so may need medication adjustment.

But you will get a lot of help and information and ideas and sympathy!  from this board... it's great!

How old are you?  Did these seizures just recently start? Hopefully you have a neuro trained in treating seizures.  Is he going to do another VEEG?  I am just curious so if ya dont' feel like answering -- that's ok!   Don't mean to pry...  Keep us posted... 



Lucy, when was your VEEG?  and what kind of med(s) are you on for the seizures?  As said, I did extensive research and very often seizures that originate deep in the limbic system of the brain do not show up on Scalp EEG and more invasive electrical testing (putting small wires into the brain) sometimes is used...   IF... the doc felt that was necessary, I guess he would've suggested it... but he says grand mal and I agree with him and your friend... The type of seizure activity you describe seems evidence enough in itself but it is still important to be sure so the right treatment is prescribed.  It's just that different seizure types respond differently to different meds but maybe your doc just is just starting to try you on meds and to see what is going on??

If you were just recently diagnosed it can take awhile to get the right combination of meds to see what will and won't work.  Everyone is different in this.  You'll read people saying this or that med stinks or is good... but what matters is what works for you!  I take Neurontin and Lamictal - both of which have very little side effects for me and have read horror stories about them both. I am scheduled for another VEEG (been a year) due to worsening symptoms so may need medication adjustment.

But you will get a lot of help and information and ideas and sympathy!  from this board... it's great!

How old are you?  Did these seizures just recently start? Hopefully you have a neuro trained in treating seizures.  Is he going to do another VEEG?  I am just curious so if ya dont' feel like answering -- that's ok!   Don't mean to pry...  Keep us posted... 



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