Community Forum Archive

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A query about epilepsy

Tue, 10/18/2005 - 11:28
One of the symptoms of Epilepsy stated here is - Eyes becoming glossy Is it possible to have only this symptom, confirming 'epilepsy' or this may be associated with other diseases too? Can a patient intentionally, achieve this kind of situation to show some kind of miracle? Can everyone see this phenomenon, if not than who? Looking forward to get a comprehensive detail.


Re: A Query

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 2005-10-19 - 08:26
When the phrase "eyes become glossy" is used, usually it refers to a staring facial expression ( person is staring and not focusing on anything in particular). The person may not be fully aware of what is going on, may be confused, not answer appropriately or have some change in awareness and thinking. This kind of appearance is often seen in partial seizures, and also in absence seizures. (however, it is very brief, lasting only seconds if absence seizures and longer in partial ones) Yet you are right in that it can be symptom of other probelms as well. No symptom by itself will confirm that a person has epilepsy. However, the history of what occurs, how long symptoms last, what it looks like, what makes better or worse, and when everything started is very important in sorting out a diagnosis of seizures. I am not sure what you meant by the question of whether a person can intentionally achieve this symptom. Can you clarify? Take a look at the information section at under Diagnosis and Seizure information. You can also view a seizure on this site. Hope this helps! Resource Specialist

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