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Undetectable Siezure Activity on Video EEG yet episodes experienced?

Thu, 07/28/2005 - 22:32

has anyone ever gone thru a 96 hr Video EEG, have "episodes" or "events"  and yet nothing showed on EEG?

My hubby is in Hospital all this week for 96 Hour Video EEG. He experienced an episode the other day (exactly like he experienced in our front yard in April right befre Grand Mal hit) and then again today. Doc said that the other day nothing showed on the EEG. We dont know about todays event yet. He also mentioned that there are those out there with Seizure disorders that are so deep in the brain that a regular EEG wouldnt pick up the activity. Hes frustrated, so am I. I wittnessed both events and they were exactly like his seizures. Even post-dictal he would get real quiet and sad and fall asleep for an hour or so. Then a while later he would perk right up.

Please help. I am seeking information because we are so frustrated...and I myself am scared for him. Also they are now taking him off Dilantin and putting him on Lamictal. I would love input about this as well. Thanks!




RE: Undetectable Siezure Activity on Video EEG yet episodes expe

Submitted by grez-monkey on Thu, 2005-07-28 - 22:32

I agree with you very much that things like this are very frustrating and scary at first, but as one learns more and more about the details of who, what, where, when, how and why, it can become helpful to lower those frustrating and scary feelings.

The main way that any EEG machine is going to be able to pick up abnormal activity is when the patient has a seizure during to test. What the doc said is very truthful. There are people who have seizure disorders that are so deep in the brain that a regular EEG cannot pick up the activity.

But here's the good part. Your husband is going through a Video EEG. He is on two machines. The EEG focuses on the inside...the video focuses on the outside. So with you saying that he experienced two more episodes exactly like he experienced in your front yard before the Grand Mal hit, then the video machine should have been able to pick up what took place.

Since you are saying that there are episodes taking place before his grand mal seizures, those episodes that he's having could be what are called auras. Auras are like a warning sign to let the person know beforehand that a more serious seizure could be preparing to take place. There's alot of information on the webpage, so please take a good look over it and see if anything thatÂ’s described appears to be similar to your husbandÂ’s episodes.

The most likely reason why theyÂ’ve taking him off Dilantin was because it wasnÂ’t helping to control his seizures, which is why they decided to switch him over to Lamictal.

Hope this helps ya.

Bruce J

I agree with you very much that things like this are very frustrating and scary at first, but as one learns more and more about the details of who, what, where, when, how and why, it can become helpful to lower those frustrating and scary feelings.

The main way that any EEG machine is going to be able to pick up abnormal activity is when the patient has a seizure during to test. What the doc said is very truthful. There are people who have seizure disorders that are so deep in the brain that a regular EEG cannot pick up the activity.

But here's the good part. Your husband is going through a Video EEG. He is on two machines. The EEG focuses on the inside...the video focuses on the outside. So with you saying that he experienced two more episodes exactly like he experienced in your front yard before the Grand Mal hit, then the video machine should have been able to pick up what took place.

Since you are saying that there are episodes taking place before his grand mal seizures, those episodes that he's having could be what are called auras. Auras are like a warning sign to let the person know beforehand that a more serious seizure could be preparing to take place. There's alot of information on the webpage, so please take a good look over it and see if anything thatÂ’s described appears to be similar to your husbandÂ’s episodes.

The most likely reason why theyÂ’ve taking him off Dilantin was because it wasnÂ’t helping to control his seizures, which is why they decided to switch him over to Lamictal.

Hope this helps ya.

Bruce J

RE: Undetectable Siezure Activity on Video EEG yet episodes expe

Submitted by mexican_fire on Fri, 2005-07-29 - 13:10

I was in for 11 days, but mine was picked up on all my seizures.  1 T/C, 2 Myoclonics, and 2 Absences.  Dx--JME.

Yes, there is a such thing as being too deep with in the brain to be picked up on regular scalp electrodes.  They usually will not do anything thing too drastic on people unless they are headed for surgery.

One thing they might try if he doesn't have one they they can see on the monitor, is called a sphenoidal electrode which is inserted in front of their ear, gone through the jaw just behind the teeth, and up the back of the throat into the brain to the lobe that needs further monitoring.

It is painful and most uncomfortable to be put through, so hopefully they won't do that.

The other possibilty is NES or Non-Epileptic Seizures.  Those are non electrical producing mimics of true seizures.  They are from other origins and can be pychiatric, not saying that he is, and in his case I almost wish he comes back with a positive dx, so you both can relax and not have to worry so much about it, and it can be treated and he can get the much needed relief, but at the same time I wish he has none of it, and it was just a fluke.  Some people 1/10 of the normal population has at least one non epilepsy related seizure in their life, so who knows.

Let's just hope for the best, and please keep me posted.  I know what it is like to be stuck in an EMU, and I was in there longer than him by almost 9 days.



I was in for 11 days, but mine was picked up on all my seizures.  1 T/C, 2 Myoclonics, and 2 Absences.  Dx--JME.

Yes, there is a such thing as being too deep with in the brain to be picked up on regular scalp electrodes.  They usually will not do anything thing too drastic on people unless they are headed for surgery.

One thing they might try if he doesn't have one they they can see on the monitor, is called a sphenoidal electrode which is inserted in front of their ear, gone through the jaw just behind the teeth, and up the back of the throat into the brain to the lobe that needs further monitoring.

It is painful and most uncomfortable to be put through, so hopefully they won't do that.

The other possibilty is NES or Non-Epileptic Seizures.  Those are non electrical producing mimics of true seizures.  They are from other origins and can be pychiatric, not saying that he is, and in his case I almost wish he comes back with a positive dx, so you both can relax and not have to worry so much about it, and it can be treated and he can get the much needed relief, but at the same time I wish he has none of it, and it was just a fluke.  Some people 1/10 of the normal population has at least one non epilepsy related seizure in their life, so who knows.

Let's just hope for the best, and please keep me posted.  I know what it is like to be stuck in an EMU, and I was in there longer than him by almost 9 days.



RE: Undetectable Siezure Activity on Video EEG yet episodes expe

Submitted by seekinginfo on Fri, 2005-07-29 - 13:28

thanx for your input.

Doc said that if they were "auras" they would have showed up on EEG as well. During his stay he experienced a total for three insidences all of which never showed on EEG. Who knows what they were. Doc wasnt really recipricating as far as any info or concern so I guess we should just let it go.

He is being taken off the Dilantin because he is on such high doses and it is affecting his health. He will be on DIlantin a few more weeks along with slowly going on the lamictal. We are nervous about the switch over (or at leats I am...nothing seems to bother him LOL). I wish it were a few months from now and we knew he was doing well on the drug. Although it was 14 months on Dilantin doing well wiht no sezireus and poof all of a sudden a Grand Mal Seizure hit him out of no where even though his levels were in normal range...go figure!

My heart goes out to everyone out there who is going thru struggles like us. Its good that we are not alone but I dont wish this on anyone, especially those with children that have uncontrollable siezures...its herat breaking to hear about the stories.

Thanks for support. I have been feleing veyr alone in my struggles trying to find support and info since he started a yr and half ago with a seizure disorder. Now with this website I can gain a wealth of info and input and I am so grateful. Thanks!


thanx for your input.

Doc said that if they were "auras" they would have showed up on EEG as well. During his stay he experienced a total for three insidences all of which never showed on EEG. Who knows what they were. Doc wasnt really recipricating as far as any info or concern so I guess we should just let it go.

He is being taken off the Dilantin because he is on such high doses and it is affecting his health. He will be on DIlantin a few more weeks along with slowly going on the lamictal. We are nervous about the switch over (or at leats I am...nothing seems to bother him LOL). I wish it were a few months from now and we knew he was doing well on the drug. Although it was 14 months on Dilantin doing well wiht no sezireus and poof all of a sudden a Grand Mal Seizure hit him out of no where even though his levels were in normal range...go figure!

My heart goes out to everyone out there who is going thru struggles like us. Its good that we are not alone but I dont wish this on anyone, especially those with children that have uncontrollable siezures...its herat breaking to hear about the stories.

Thanks for support. I have been feleing veyr alone in my struggles trying to find support and info since he started a yr and half ago with a seizure disorder. Now with this website I can gain a wealth of info and input and I am so grateful. Thanks!


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