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39 Pregnant and on Lamictal

Sun, 07/08/2007 - 19:15
I am a new member to this website and my first posting. This actually is my 2nd pregnancy (1st was a miscarriage). I am 4 months and I am scared to death. I switched in 2005 from Depakote to Lamictal. It took several months to get my level stable. My seizures were controlled with 400mg; however, on June 16th, I had a seizure. My neuro increased my medicine 100mg; I am now on 500mg. I go on July 10th to have the blood work done (AFP Tetra) testing for birth defects. I meet on July 19th with a specialist. I am so very afraid of birth defects (spina bifida & down syndrome). It is like I have two things to worry about, my age and my seizure disorder. Another thing that terrifies me is my mg level. In reading over some postings, I have not seen anyone on as a high of a dosage that I am on (during pregnancy). I have read alot of successful stories, but my level concerns me and that I had a break through seizure. Is anyone out there my age or on a high dosage?


Re: 39 Pregnant and on Lamictal

Submitted by lorigirl on Mon, 2007-07-09 - 15:46
I just went off depakote and started lamictal. I'm in the same situation as you. I'm 34 and am planning on getting pregnant next year. I take 500 mg of lamictal a day. 250 in the morning and 250 at night. I've read alot on it and have talked to my neurologist about it. Sometimes seizures happen during pregnancy because your blood levels fluctuate My neurologist recommended that I take folic acid before even getting pregnant. Are you taking this? If not, ask your gynecologist or neurologist about it. My neurologist switched me off the depakote because lamictal is much safer for the baby. Breastfeeding though isn't recommended usually tho. I wish you the best of luck with this.

Re: Re: 39 Pregnant and on Lamictal

Submitted by Sheltie Girl on Wed, 2007-07-18 - 20:47
Thanks so much for responding to my e-mail. Yes, I am taking an extra dose of folic acid along with my pre-natal vitamins. I got the test results back today from the alpha-fetoprotein test and it was positive for Down Syndrome which of course through me into a panic. My doctor told me not to worry about it that much because it is only a screening test which does not diagnose problems with the baby it just identifies those women who are more likely at a higher risk being over 35. I am having a Level II ultrasound tomorrow which I am also scared to death over. The fact of being 39 did not bother me that much until now. The thing I worry most about is the effects of Lamictal. It is like every time I take my medicine my thought is what am I doing to my baby. I know that I have to stay on the medicine and I have no intention of coming off. I would love to breastfeed but I know that is not an option. I want to do everything possible that is most healthy for my baby. I told my husband if this pregnancy doesn't work out, we can try again. I have just turned it over to God and have faith that everything will be ok. Good luck to you on getting pregnant!

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