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Breastfeeding and various seizure meds, please advise

Fri, 07/13/2007 - 02:29
Hi, I’m new to these boards. I've outgrown my grand mal seizures but now have simple partial seizures. My dr. had me switch to Keppra 3 years ago (1500mg/day) and the auras are under control. I'm now 34 weeks pregnant, due August 21. At the time I assumed that because Keppra is safe for pregnancy, breastfeeding would be okay too. Guess it doesn’t work that way. Since there's so little research on Keppra and breastfeeding, the pediatrician I talked to suggested I switch back to one of my previous meds. He said Phenobarbital would be okay but from what I've read online, Phenobarbital shouldn't be taken while breastfeeding. I'm so confused... I’ll ask my neurologist for his opinion too of course but I’d also like to hear from other mothers who have Epilepsy. - Do the benefits of breastfeeding outweigh the possible complications that may arise from taking anti-seizure meds? - What did your pediatrician tell you about breastfeeding and while on meds? - Did you breastfeed while on meds? Which one(s)? Or did you choose not to? - How is your child doing? If I do go back to one of my previous meds it would be Dilantin, Depakote or Phenobarbital so I’d be most interested to hear about those meds. I’d appreciate any information, thank you!


Re: Breastfeeding and various seizure meds, please advise

Submitted by Wreath on Mon, 2007-07-16 - 01:47
Hi Sugar, My first pregnancy was 29 years ago. Back then, the Neuro didn't have answers for anything, neither did my Pediatrician, so I spent lots of time in the Health food store. I cut way, way back on my Dilantin, took Folic Acid, B Vitamins, plus Prenatals, ate very healthy, and walked daily. I breastfed our healthy baby girl until she was 9 mos. (weaned herself), then slowly increased my Dilantin. I believe the benefits of breastfeeding far outweigh any possible complications caused by the meds. Two yrs. later, healthy baby girl no.2 was born, and she breastfed for over a year. Today, both daughters are healthy, neither one has ever had any type of seizure. And, I now have 2 Granddaughters! Wreath

Re: Breastfeeding and various seizure meds, please advise

Submitted by leahluv on Wed, 2007-07-25 - 16:06
i had my child 16 months ago and took lamictal throughout the pregnancy, then the breast feeding. my hailey is doing just fine, and despite my family, and his, telling me not to, my drs. said it was absolutely fine to breastfeed. im not sure depakote is safe at all, i was on that when i learned i was pregnant. they quickly switched me.

I was on 1600Mg

Submitted by zuki4x4 on Thu, 2007-07-26 - 20:38
I was on 1600Mg Carbamazepine during my pregnancy. I did have ONE Grand Mal Seizure while 5 months pregnant. After ultrasounds they determined she did not have any spinal abnomalities etc.(spina bifida-was the defect I heard about) I took Folic Acid-as recommended by all the docs. She was born a happy heathly little girl. I just stopped breastfeeding her 2 weeks ago and she is now 1 yr old. BREASTFEED!!!!!!! It's worth it !!!!............. She is a very good baby, and very happy. I was on full dosage of meds the entire pregnancy & B-feeding. Good luck :)

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