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Can you get on Disbility(Social Security)?

Thu, 04/26/2007 - 07:47
i was just woundering if i can get on disbility if i have epilepsy because of my seizures? I feel like I am so slow at everyting that I do. I do have job but I am afaird that i am going to lose it if my seirures get to bad...anybody have any ideas?? i lose things forget to turn things off and i know that I am going to get into trouble.


Re: Can you get on Disbility(Social Security)?

Submitted by SSDisability on Mon, 2012-12-24 - 19:49
Yes you can. Here is more info on applying for SSD with Epilepsy:

Re: Can you get on Disbility(Social Security)?

Submitted by bex on Thu, 2007-04-26 - 09:50
I've been referred to my work occupational health department as I am classed as a 'disabled' person and I've been off work for 10 weeks. Do you have something similar? Do they know about your epilepsy? They have copies of all my neuro letters and a report from my doctor for background. Have you spoken to your doctor/neuro and told them your concerns re your work/employer? In the UK they have to make reasonable adjustments if you have a disabilty to your job, I'm not sure how it works for you guys? I've started to document all discussions with my boss, occupational health and doctor. Also anything I do like putting my coat in the bin, not being able to sign my name, forgetting I was cooking cakes so I can give examples when I speak to them as why I'm worried about doing my job.

Re: Re: Can you get on Disbility(Social Security)?

Submitted by KeeofCee on Thu, 2007-04-26 - 09:57
Don't know where you are located, but my son has epilepsy and is on disability. So the answer is "yes" in Ontario, Canada.

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