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Does anyone else have these symptoms?

Thu, 04/12/2007 - 10:34
Ugh! I don't feel like my seizures fit an exact protocol?! I am also not sure what to attribute directly to partial seizures and if there are other symptoms that I should be concerned about. Does anyone else experience a pulsing, almost spasm, feeling in their head during an episode? Also metallic taste followed by extreme nausea, facial pain, burning in arms, legs and neck, extreme fatigue, racing heart, weakness, feeling like I am in a cloud. I am really confused and frustrated. My husband and I want to have children-so I think it is important to define what is happening. I would appreciate your perspective on the symptoms and the issure of pregnancy and epilepsy. Nikki


Re: Does anyone else have these symptoms?

Submitted by bex on Thu, 2007-04-26 - 10:18
Nikki During my partials I get a feeling of a wave coming over me and at times a feeling of pressure building in my head which I don't know is what you are describing? Its almost as if my head is growing and pulsating. I experience smells not tastes, dizziness, nausea and a sense that I am completely detached from the world, yes I do describe to my neuro like I am on a cloud and it is difficult for me to communicate. I am drained my these seizures. I do not experience any of the burning and would mention that to your neuro if you havent done already as I haven't come across that before. Sometimes I will just have some of the above, othertimes all or just the funny smell which my doctor said is still a partial. I know it can be frustrating but hang in there. How well are your partials controlled? As for having children, I wouldn't let it stop you, what meds are you on? Personally, I'm going to come off meds if I have kids. Theres lots of discussions on this section on pregnancy from women who have tried to get pregnant so I'm sure you will be reading through that, and which meds. The trouble with some of the newer ones (I'm on Topomax) is that there isn't enough research. Best wishes. Bex

I was already on meds for

Submitted by solis on Thu, 2007-04-26 - 17:56
I was already on meds for over 25 years before I had my first child. And, before I went off the pill (which always worked 100% for me) I went to my neurologist to ensure neither med would affect a fetus & all would be ok re getting pregnant. I now have 2 heathy sons and neither is negativly affected by my being on AEDs while pregnant. Meds: Pregancy Catagories: hope that helps, ~sol PS. Nikki, here is a page for you:

Re: I was already on meds for

Submitted by bex on Fri, 2007-04-27 - 07:08
Thanks sol, you read so much info which scares me to think to come of the meds would be the best thing if i was going to get pregnant. Am glad you had two healthy boys! The problem is getting a med that works with you that also isn't going to harm the baby. Have just come off Lactimal and gone on Topamax and was on Valproate years ago.

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