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histo and seizures

Fri, 04/06/2007 - 17:45
has anyone eles had a historectomy???????? i have had E for 17 or so years i went seizure free for about 10 of them. then about 5 years ago i had a histo and now i am having seizures again. and omg they r really bad... now they have started to effect my heart. i had a heart attack right after a seizure 2 years ago..... 3 weeks seizure free............tammy


Re: histo and seizures

Submitted by shelly maire on Fri, 2007-04-06 - 22:19
Hi! Tammy I had a hysterectomy in November of this year. My seizures were really bad before I had the hysterectomy and were even worst afterwards because my OB-GYN insisted that I be on some type of hormone replacement therapy but that was the whole reason that I had the hysterectomy to begin with is because the hormones in my system were so messed up. I talked with my epitologist about it and she told me to stop the hormone replacement therapy because that could be causing me to seizure worst. While my seizures haven't stopped they have let up a little and are not as severe as they were. But I am also headed for a left temporal lobectomy in 11 days to hopefully help control my seizures because they have become refractory.

Re: histo and seizures

Submitted by Chrissyml on Sat, 2007-04-07 - 12:19
Hi again. I've read numerous articles about catamenial epilepsy and most state that seizures increase around one's period when estrogen levels rise and progesterone levels fall. Excessive estrogen also stimulates growth of fibroids and progesterone apparently causes them to shrink. I could have had a hysterectomy for treatment of fibroids but opted for a new treatment: a progesterone IUD called Mirena. The idea of having my seizures increase scared me. So far Mirena seems to working. The progesterone thins the endometerial lining and eventually one's periods cease. The IUD is good for 5 years and costs $330 Canadian. I thought I'd share this in case anyone else is considering a hysterectomy as the only treatment for fibroids/endometriosis.

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