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Increase in Seizures after giving birth

Tue, 06/12/2007 - 19:32
Hi. I'm writing on behalf of my wife who has seen a dramatic rise in the frequency of her seizures since giving birth. We switched her medication from Depacote, which did a great job of controlling seizures before we got pregnant, to Lamictil for the obvious reasons. She had one seizure while pregnant and another while in labor (we had an emergency c section). Since giving birth 7 1/2 months ago she's had 4 seizures, whereas before becoming pregnant she had had 4 seizures in 8 years. We are transitioning back to Depacote now, which used to do a really good job of controlling, but she had another seizure this past weekend, which has us nervous that what used to work doesn't work anymore. Has anyone else had post-partum issues regarding frequency of seizures and if so, how have you dealt with it? As you can imagine, this has been incredibly stressful and we are looking for ideas on how to get this under control once again. Thanks so much. Adam


Re: Increase in Seizures after giving birth

Submitted by MommyManderkin on Wed, 2010-05-12 - 14:14


I as well, went through a drastic increase in seizures after having my second son in 2008. During the pregnancy, I had no issues. After having him, I went from having one seizure a year, to as many as 4 in one day. My doctors increased my dosage of Tegretol, and they got under control, for the most part. He is 16 months old now, and I am having about one seizure a month. They recently put me on Keppra in addition to the Tegretol to try and bring them down even more. I have only been on the Keppra for two days now, so no news to report on how it is working... My neurologist did tell me however, that it is fairly common for epileptic women to experience changes in the frequency of seizures and often need adjustments in their medications during and after pregnancy.


Good luck to your wife. I know how hard it is having a newborn and going through such a hardship as this. I hope she is able to find something to help.


I as well, went through a drastic increase in seizures after having my second son in 2008. During the pregnancy, I had no issues. After having him, I went from having one seizure a year, to as many as 4 in one day. My doctors increased my dosage of Tegretol, and they got under control, for the most part. He is 16 months old now, and I am having about one seizure a month. They recently put me on Keppra in addition to the Tegretol to try and bring them down even more. I have only been on the Keppra for two days now, so no news to report on how it is working... My neurologist did tell me however, that it is fairly common for epileptic women to experience changes in the frequency of seizures and often need adjustments in their medications during and after pregnancy.


Good luck to your wife. I know how hard it is having a newborn and going through such a hardship as this. I hope she is able to find something to help.

Re: Increase in Seizures after giving birth

Submitted by cjcurls on Mon, 2007-06-25 - 11:23
I am going through the EXACT same situation. You have written my story Adam! I gave birth on March 1st & since then my seizures are back with a crazy vengence! I'm back on all meds, but my body feels like it's under attack. Emergency c-section for me too - c-section seizure on the table for me as well. (Crazy coincidence, right?) Since then more & more siezures. I attributed it to sleep deprivation, but he has started sleeping through the night so now ...what can it be??????? Hormonal fluctuations? I had NO problems during the actual pregnancy itself. I'm bumfuzzled. Friends have half-heartedly suggested that we get pregnant again!!! What meds is your wife on? And how are you dealing with the baby care? I'm becoming a bit paranoid to be alone with him for any extended period of time. Has she dealt with any post-partum depression issues because of it? I'm beginning to (I'm beating myself up over not being the mom I had envisioned...not being able to take him to the park by myself, playdates, etc. I sometimes wonder if this is a futher catalyst to MORE seizures...could everything be relative?) Does your wife work? I am EXTREMELY interested - It's like I'm reading my own story here. I don't mean to be intrusive here, but you understand. I feel like I'm stealing from my son - like I'm missing out on so much of his baby moments as I lay in bed. I'm currently on Topomax 200mg & Ativan as needed. Hubby HATES topomax, he calles it stupamax & wants me to get on something else asap. I like it though (it's helping me drop the baby weight and it controls my migraines well). My seizures range from Complex partials to tonic clonics. Major migraines generally accompany them so I'm usually wiped out for at least a day. Write soon - I'd like to hear more of your story. - Christine

Re: Increase in Seizures after giving birth

Submitted by leopardess84 on Wed, 2010-05-05 - 14:04

I went through the exact same thing. I haven't had a seizure in quite a while and last October i had my first baby boy. Then December I had a seizure, January I had 2 in one day, and then February I had 2 in one day. This was not normal for me and my family was very worried. I had just gotten a new nuerologist and my husband called him and then he added a new medicine. So now I am taking Topamax 200mg and Carbamazapine 200mg.  I have always like the Topamax because it helps me maintain my weight but it does decrease my appetite. I do hate that some of my family feels that I cant be alone with my son because I might have a seizure. That is very sad to me because he is my heart. I would love to take him walking at the track to go walking and I cant even do that. I work too so I am here all day and I try not to get stressed out or too tired because I know that those are triggers. Well i hope that some of yall's get better. So far its been 3 months that ive been seizure free. Still praying!!!



I went through the exact same thing. I haven't had a seizure in quite a while and last October i had my first baby boy. Then December I had a seizure, January I had 2 in one day, and then February I had 2 in one day. This was not normal for me and my family was very worried. I had just gotten a new nuerologist and my husband called him and then he added a new medicine. So now I am taking Topamax 200mg and Carbamazapine 200mg.  I have always like the Topamax because it helps me maintain my weight but it does decrease my appetite. I do hate that some of my family feels that I cant be alone with my son because I might have a seizure. That is very sad to me because he is my heart. I would love to take him walking at the track to go walking and I cant even do that. I work too so I am here all day and I try not to get stressed out or too tired because I know that those are triggers. Well i hope that some of yall's get better. So far its been 3 months that ive been seizure free. Still praying!!!



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