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Is it just me or what? Please help

Sat, 07/28/2007 - 13:38
Hello, I need some help. Before I increased my dose on my medicine, my menstrual cycle was regular. I am now on 1500mg Keppra and 1000mg Lamictal. Since my increased dose, I have one menstrual cycle about every four to five months. I am only 19 years old. I was just curious as to if anyone else has had this problem. Please help!!!!!!


Re: Is it just me or what? Please help

Submitted by GodivaGirl on Tue, 2007-07-31 - 14:09
Pan06: Which drug did you increase? I take Topomax, Keppra & Clobazam Topomax 100mg 2 x day - have for about 4 years Clobazam 10-20mg at night only - have for about 15 years Keppra - 500 mg 2 x day - this has only been this way since December 2006 Thing I wonder is which drug increased?? I started taking Keppra in June 2006, but it took me until December to get to full dose. Also, until December 2006 I was also on the pill to control hormonal seizures, along with having an IUD as back up (I'm 33 & practically married to the guy I've been living with for 5 years). Well, being on the pill & Keppra together didn't work, so that ended in about October 2006. So, it's only really been since December 2006 that I've been totally on Keppra. Recently though it was like 3 months went by in between cycles. I thought it was all stress related, but am wondering if it is related to Keppra instead?? What med did they increase, if you don't mind me asking? If that was Keppra, wonder if there's some link, and maybe my problems weren't stress? Dunno, but thought I'd ask at least.

Re: Re: Is it just me or what? Please help

Submitted by pan06 on Tue, 2007-07-31 - 18:13
I took about 200mg of lamictal at first, and I had regular cycles. I kept having seizures and then I was placed on Keppra. I eventually got increased to 1000mg of lamictal and 1500mg of keppra. I don't know if it is a little bit of both meds or if it is only one med causing this. I spoke with my gynocologist and she said that starting me on birth control would not be a good idea. She said that the pill makes your AED levels decrease which can causes more seizures. I am just glad that I am not the only person that has this problem. I was just curious as to if anyone else had these symptoms or if it was just me. Thanks!

Re: Re: Re: Is it just me or what? Please help

Submitted by itsmyeviltwin on Wed, 2007-08-01 - 23:54
When I started Topamax I was already perimenopausal and my periods were irregular and unusual and I was told to expect anything and everything to happen...LOL! Well on the 5 months I've been on it I've had one period...a month long. It kinda worried my nurse practitioner and she wants to get some ultrasounds, etc...but I'm not overly concerned as I think its just me on the Top...LOL!

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