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Keppra and Pregnancy

Fri, 06/08/2007 - 10:36
Greetings All! I was diagnosed with my seizure disorder in 1998 and remained seizure free for 9 years on Tegretol. Last August, my husband and I talked with my neurologist about coming off the meds so that we could try to get pregnant this summer. After a clear EEG, I was weaned off the meds by October. I went 7 months seizure free and then on May 5 experienced a Grand Mal seizure. Needless to say, my neurologist placed me back on seizure meds. This time on Lamicteal. I had an allergic reaction to the Lamicteal so I am now on 1000 mg of Keppra. I was wondering if anyone has taken the Keppra while pregnant and if they had any side effects from the medication or if they have seen any side efects on the baby. Also, is 1000 mg a high dosage? I was only going to be on 200 mg of the Lamicteal so 1000 mg seems like a huge jump. I know that you can't really compare one med to another in terms of dosaging. Any advice on the med would greatly be appreciated. Thanks in advance!! Have a great day filled with many blessings!! Heather


Re: Keppra and Pregnancy

Submitted by talleyho82005 on Tue, 2008-02-19 - 15:44

Hello Again!

My husband and I found out right after Christmas that we are expecting our first baby in September. The pregnancy has rocked along just fine with no problems. On Friday morning, my husband woke up to me having a seizure. It was not as severe as the others I have expereinced, but scared us terribly because of the fact that we are now pregnant. My neuro has increased the Keppra from 1000 mg 2 times per day to 1250 mg per day.

Has anyone else expereinced seizures during their pregnancies? Were there effects on the baby and did your doctor relate the seizures to the hormonal changes in your body?



Hello Again!

My husband and I found out right after Christmas that we are expecting our first baby in September. The pregnancy has rocked along just fine with no problems. On Friday morning, my husband woke up to me having a seizure. It was not as severe as the others I have expereinced, but scared us terribly because of the fact that we are now pregnant. My neuro has increased the Keppra from 1000 mg 2 times per day to 1250 mg per day.

Has anyone else expereinced seizures during their pregnancies? Were there effects on the baby and did your doctor relate the seizures to the hormonal changes in your body?



Re: Keppra and Pregnancy

Submitted by emilymiller on Sat, 2007-06-09 - 01:23
Hi Heather, I can't comment on your pregnancy question (I'm in the same boat, determining if I should or not), but I have been on Keppra for awhile. It's my understanding that Keppra is typically prescribed as a "back up" medication to the standard seizure control medications. I am on Lamictal and Keppra. My Keppra dose is 500mg twice a day along with my 250mg twice a day of Lamictal. Your dosage doesn't seem abnormal, especially if that is the only medication you are taking. Good luck to you.=-) ~Emily

Re: Re: Keppra and Pregnancy

Submitted by mrsrogers on Mon, 2007-07-02 - 11:04
Hey Heather! I used to take Depakote and was taken off of it about two years ago so that we could plan a family. I started taking it and had minimal side effects, but the dosage was not right. I had a siezure about two months later. Now I take 2500 mg per day and am doing much better. My doctor tells me that taking larger amounts of folic acid for months or even a year before you wnat to conceive gives you a much higher chance of normal pregnancy. I am sure you have heard that. As for your dosage, it does not seem high to me. I only take Keppra even though it is often used with other meds. I wish you well as you start to plan your family. Would love to hear updates on how it goes. We are thinking of starting soon too. Meg

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