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Lamictal and Hormones

Fri, 04/20/2007 - 20:35
I've noticed since I've been taking lamictal that while the lamictal is working wonderful for my seizures, thankfully! The lamictal doesn't seem to be as effective around my periods and I end up with break through seizures. The seizures aren't anywhere as bad as they were though. But I have had one grand mal break through briefly. It's definately hormone related. But the lamictal works so well the rest of the month, that I don't want my doctors to mess with it. Has anyone else had this problem? Either with lamictal or with another AED? I can't even begin to think what might be helpful. I see my neurologist on May 1st. I'm not even sure what to tell him at this point, or maybe I'm just afraid of what he'd say. Lamictal is also killing my sleep. I'm lucky to get 3 or 4 hours of sleep each night, and even that is often interrupted. I heard lamictal was a prima donna medication, I'm now begining to believe it.


Re: Lamictal and Hormones

Submitted by Joseinkl on Sat, 2007-04-21 - 01:45
Hi Gina, I am glad that I came to this blog. My daughter Samantha has exactly the same during her periods. For some reason, her doctor did not want to do anything about it as her dose is ok for the whole month. She is also on Keppra for the last 4 months (used to be on Epilim). For almost a year now she receives a monthly injection to stop her menstruation, she is autistic. That made a big difference. No more big seizures during the periods but still we notice that she gets the Auras and she is uncomfortable. regards, Joseph

Re: Lamictal and Hormones

Submitted by tesmar2000 on Wed, 2007-04-25 - 13:58
From my understanding up to 30+% of women may have breakthrough seizures around menses and ovulation. It may be wise to think of an add on therapy around that time of the month; your neurologist should be able to help with the one that would be the best for you. Lamictal does cause sleep disturbances in some people but this may subside with the longer you are on it. Good luck.

Re: Lamictal and Hormones

Submitted by JE1993 on Mon, 2007-06-25 - 14:26
I am really relieved to hear this. I am on Lamictal and for awhile it worked well, but 6 months ago I had a grand mal (1st one in almost 2 years) and it was during my period. My doctor increased my dosage to 500mg daily. I started getting my period 2x a month. I really didn't connect the dots and thought of this as a problem for my Ob/Gyn. When I went in to have my yearly check-up, my Ob/Gyn put me on birth control pills to regulate my period. 3 days after starting the pill I had another seizure. The night before I could not get to sleep and got maybe 3 hours total. I have an appointment with my neurologist today and imagine I'll be switching medications.

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