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medicine and pregnancy

Tue, 04/24/2007 - 16:34
I know many of us are trying to get pregnant while on meds i was just wondering what other peoples doctors have said is the safest medication to be on while pregnant.any feedback would be great thx


Re: medicine and pregnancy

Submitted by krissy on Sat, 2007-05-05 - 12:06
I was on Tegretol and then Trileptol during my pregnancy. Baby born 2 weeks ago and fine. I am now nursing and getting many different opinions regarding the 2 medicines and nursing, very different opinions from doctors and pharmicists.... email me at [email protected] thanks

Re: medicine and pregnancy

Submitted by DawnMarieZ on Sat, 2007-05-05 - 14:41
I had a daughter in December 2004. She was perfectly fine. I was taking Carbatrol at the time, and the doctor would have wanted me to have been on something different at the time. I was on a low dosage at the time, and still am today. I was taking 400 mg a day, and then it was upped to 600 mg a day later in pregnancy, and that is what it is still at today. My daughter is at least at or above her age level on many things. I was told once by a doctor that my meds doubled the chances of having a child with special needs, after doing research, I found that my meds only upped the chances from 2-4% to 4-8%. I hope this helps :)

Re: medicine and pregnancy

Submitted by sbrobin on Tue, 2007-05-08 - 15:07
My son is almost 1 and I was on Keppra. My doc said Lamictal was safest, but it didn't control my JME jerks at all. My son is perfectly healthy so far.

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