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nausea vomiting at ovulation/menstruation

Wed, 04/11/2007 - 14:38
Always follows the same pattern. On day 14, ovualation day, I feel nauseous all day, then close to evening I suddenly feel ice-cold like I cannot get warm enough (even if it's 90 degrees in the room)then I end up running to the bathroom and puking my guts out. after that, the chills disappear and so does the nausea. this happens on ovulation day and again when menstruation begins. could this be seizure related?


Re: nausea + vomiting at ovulation/menstruation

Submitted by jsustik on Mon, 2007-07-02 - 18:21
jsustik Ive had the same problem and found out that 25% of women make too much barium at the start of ovulation and it causes it.Ask your Dr what medicine would be best for you to take to stop this during your cycle.

Re: Re: nausea + vomiting at ovulation/menstruation

Submitted by A Day on Thu, 2007-09-13 - 14:33
I have had this problem for several years. They are hormonally triggered migraines. Keep in mind, migraines and Epilepsy have some overlapping or coinciding symptoms as both are neuro brain disorders. Many people experience migraine WITHOUT the headache. The headache is only one of four phases of "Migraine". It is believed to be tied to Estrogen levels and how estrogen effects our pain receptors sense and process. The worst migrain of my life and the ONLY time I have ever considered suicide was during ovulation. I used oral contraceptives for several years in order to control this. My doc finally had me on a cycle where I only menstruated 4 times per year. It was easier with the migraines - I could plan for it. I went off birth control May 2006 and actually fared BETTER than I did while using the pills to control it (for a few months at least...I am having them again now). Studies now show that oral contraceptives can actually aggrevate it (yeah, sure...NOW they tell us!) Now, I keep a calendar, eat chocolate (too boost seratonin) and use Midrin for these migraines. Article you may find helpful:

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