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Mon, 04/02/2007 - 16:08
i think i had my first absence seizures when i was about 12.. though from what i've been reading it might have been a partial-complex seizures. They came few and far between. when i was in high school i think i was about 17 maybe younger i was typing up a report on the computer when i got the deja vue feeling, the next thing i knew i was udner the desk and there was blood dripping from where i'd just cracked opening a spot above my eyebrow. i still have the scar. They figured i had low blood sugar and put me on iron pills and called it a day. In reality i most likely should have told them about the deja vue feeling but.. i was young and though it was something everyone got. So years went on and i would have maybe one a year if not any. Up untell about a little over a year ago. You see i'm a horse backrider. I'd bough my first horse and aftr owning him for 6 months we had our first tumble. i took a hoof to the back of the helmet which did a nice big crack up the back leaving me with a mild concusion. Now i've been having partial-complex seizures about once ever few months. They didnt really bother me much other then make me tired. Again i didnt know where they where i just though it was deja vue. I had a black mold scare where i work and i was having issues breathing, when i went to the doctor i told them they i was having these deja vue things more often and the nurse said i most likely had petite mals. Baffled as to why they would shrug of something like a seizure i went hunting on the web for info about it. While i havnt gone back to the doctor yet i'm waiting for medical insurance to kick in because i have two kids and cant afford to pay all the bills myself. We recently went to ireland, where i didnt have any bad days at all. But when we got back home i had 5 in three days. The last two really bothered me. I was sitting playing legos with my son and i felt it coming but i couldnt move, i just kinda sat there while he babbled and nothing he said made sense, then i started to hear someone screaming at me. It was so loud it left my ears ringing for a little while afterwards. The days following i didnt even feel like i was in my own body. I felt very out of it. While its been awhile now i still feel kinda edgy, i refuse to drive or ride my horse now untell i see a doctor because i dont want to have one while doing either thing and get hurt. I'm just kinda happy to find a place to talk to other folks who understand. My husband kinda does but.. its not the same as talking to other people who know what your going through.


Re: New to this

Submitted by tomurph on Mon, 2007-04-02 - 17:25
The complex partials are the thorn in my side as well. BUT has not always been just complex partials. Have had epilepsy now for 16 years and depending on the meds at the time have had many types over the years depending. Grand mals are not fun but plus to them is "people actually know" something is going on, which guess could be plus or minus depending. The deja vu is normal for most with complex partials and the out of body experience also is something many people with the complex partials. The partial seizures some claimed to be an "aura" before the complex partials for those with the complex partials.(just read that on this site about 4 months ago) Others just get the partials. Unfortunately my seizures have never just limited it to the partials. Always have, best I can describe, "certain feeling", which for myself things sound "funny" as in strange. Also have found that for me once "that feeling" comes on I notice different noises sounding weird and some actually "bug" me because they seem to "push" it over the edge. (for me it normally is the alarm that minute to three before the complex partial is going to start) But have also read and been told other people get "annoyed" by different things such as images(some claim the lights are definite kicker, but never has bugged me) or actual physical touches. For myself the complex partial causes my head to pull to the hard right and start, chomping, while I am out of it. It definitely causes the drain of the body and normally have to sleep at least an hour before I can even consider doing anything and that is only when it is "must do" try to sleep at least 3 hours. Have learned in some instances to "will" myself out of it, but that is only if it has not started full out and know that it is coming. Good luck on finding medicine or combination of to conrol the seizures.

Re: Re: New to this

Submitted by Devilish0ne on Mon, 2007-04-02 - 18:48
i've been able to will myself off track of having one more then a few times. I catch sight of something in the corner of my eye and then i can feel it coming on. Normally if i get up right away and go into anothr room it stops it. But these last ones i havnt been able to as much. I feel more trapped.. like moving to another place wont help or sometimes i wouldnt beable to move at all.

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