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New here, and I really need some help!

Sun, 08/26/2007 - 17:59
I don't know if I am having seizures or not. If I were to think of what a seizure would feel like, then what I experience seems like it would be it. I am 19, and have been having what I call my "brain shocks" for a while. I remember having them at 15-16, but I didn't pay attention to any time before then. What I am so confused about, is that I don't do the whole 'fall on the ground' or convulse, or do anything obvious. I know before I have a "brain shock", I feel a little lightheaded. Then a buzzing-you could call it-begins in my brain. Sometimes they are light, sometimes more severe, but I never lose consciousness. I feel my eyes move though, I don't know where, but they're going somewhere! :) Once, I had a severe one, and I stood there as it hit me. One of my friends was talking to me, and I held up my arm with my pointer finger up, telling her to wait. I just stared at the ground, I couldn't really move, or talk or anything. I could hear, but it was like I wasn't in control. Then it faded. I don't know if I am just having weird brain things, or what, but my grandma that used to be a nurse thinks I am having petit mal seizures or something, but I can't find anyone that knows what a seizure feels like when they are having it so that I could compare the feelings. Can anyone help me? Does this sound like any form of epilepsy-or am i just crazy? Thank you!


Re: New here, and I really need some help!

Submitted by kkrn1988 on Mon, 2007-09-03 - 21:24
I started having seizures at age 17. I've never had convulsions. My seizures are known as simple partial and complex partial. Complex partial is when you can't remember what happened to you or you lose consciousness. Your experience sounds more like a simple partial, but you really need to see a neurologist, esp one who specializes in epilepsy. You may not have epilepsy at all so I don't want to mislead you. Everybody's experiences are different. Hope that helps.

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