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newly preg. 39 on pheno- please help

Thu, 07/12/2007 - 06:53
My God, I would really appreciate anyone who can relate their stories to me. I am 6wks pg. Please forgive me for what I am going to write. I did not mean this and now just need some answers so I can figure out what to do for me and baby. When I was 7-10 days pg I was on vacation and drank too much and took my meds (of course). I didn't know I was pregnant until 9 days ago. I stopped drinking right away but I'm very concerned about the impact I could have already caused when I did not know. The meds are bad enough. Them plus wine is scary. I take pheno 100 clonopin 2mgs each night. I didn't mention to my Dr. b/c when I fretted about the vacation and my alcohol intake and potential FAS I was told that it only happened if women drank throughout the preg. I have been seizure free for 14 years. I'm so sorry for my cavalier attitude with alcohol. Can anyone advise? I want to do what's best.


Re: newly preg. 39 on pheno- please help

Submitted by lorigirl on Thu, 2007-07-12 - 11:21
i completely understand your situation. i too, have a tendency to be the same way. when you are seizure free for a long time (i am too-knock wood) it is alot easier to do things like drink alcohol. i've done it too sometimes. i'm 34, and i take lamictal 500 mg a day and dilantin 200 a day (i'm going off the dilantin right now). my neuro has put me on folic acid already. just in case i become pregnant. that would be the first thing i would do if i were you. pronto!!! if you can't get a prescription, just go to the drug store and get the vitamins. but try to talk to your neuro and gyn asap about this. i wish you the best of luck! it is possible to have a healthy child while you have epilepsy.

Re: newly preg. 39 on pheno- please help

Submitted by cheekyred on Wed, 2007-07-18 - 22:57
Hang in there! I agree, though. I'd start taking folic acid and prenatal vitamins asap, if you're not already. Folic acid is the best thing to counteract the negatives of the drugs. I'm convinced folate and the prenatals are the reason my daughter is healthy. (I was on tegretol during my pregnancy). I'd also tell your doc; I'm sure he/she will be able to give you some peace of mind or at least give you information that will help as you go forward. Good luck.

Re: Re: newly preg. 39 on pheno- please help

Submitted by very_scared on Thu, 2007-07-19 - 04:24
I've been popping folic acid a ton and it's in my prenatal vitamin also. I am now trying to determine the effect of my medication on baby. My neurologist is taking me off phenobarb. I'm on clonapan too. I met with another doctor yesterday b/c I'm traveling...and she was really concerned about me having a seizure. She suggested doing monotherapy and getting rid of the clonopan as pheno is more reliable seizure protection. So, it's s strange time. She wants to me to do a low dosage of phenobarb for 1st trimester and then bump it up. Very difficult decision. Meanwhile my neurologist in US is talking about malformations to head, hands, heart and of course, palette if I stay on phenobarb. Good news at least: date of conception was after I drank too much. Phew. Thanks for your posts and good luck with everything!

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