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Thu, 04/05/2007 - 23:05
I have been taking seizure medication for 6 years, along with Anti-depressants for 9. Recently my boyfriend asked me what sex was like for me. He seems to Orgasm and I have never had one. This is a medication issue I am sure. What is it like for other women here with seizures? Do you seem to have the problem of o's? What do you tell your mate? I enjoy being with him.. I love when we are together. The medication also makes it so that if I never had sex again I would be okay, its crazy. How do you handle being with your mate and your sex life? Leah


Re: Orgasms

Submitted by anniemarie on Fri, 2007-04-20 - 05:17
Zoe, I Totally understand what u are going through. Accept my problem I have no Intrest and it is worrying me alot. I believe to that it is the Meds. I was not like that on the Dilantin but had to be taken off because the level was not going right. I took Dilantin since I was 11 yrs but Iam 42 now. Iam thinking about asking the doctor about what I can take for that. I forgot the name of the drug but is for sure worth the try. I feel terrible about it with my Husband but, Iam glad he Understands. by the way what type of Meds or med are U taking? And Question your Doctor about it. Hope I helped in some way, but Iam no Sex Therepist

Re: Re: Orgasms

Submitted by ailie on Fri, 2007-04-20 - 06:13
Hi does this sound ridiculous but I am scared an orgasm may trigger an epileptic fit so psychologically hold back. I don't really know where to go for help I am on lamotrogine had epilepsy since 2004.

Re: Re: Re: Orgasms

Submitted by Gillian on Mon, 2007-04-23 - 02:20
Hi... So before I was on medication I did have seizures triggered during sex on occasion. I'm on Topamax now and I don't really feel like myself, in any way shape or form.

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