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Panic Attacks/Passionflower...

Fri, 05/04/2007 - 12:44
Hi Folks - lately I am experiencing stress and panic attacks (PA's) without even going into the szs that feels is coming on, as I have never done before. I have gone to a GP and now waiting to see a Pschiatrist to see if/what it may be associated with. I do not want to live on heavy tranquilisers until this happens! Reading a "health" magazine I see "Passionflower" capsules may be a good calming substitute - has anyone taken these to counteract PA's - can people with epilepsy take Passionflower to begin with ?? Cheers & thanks, Beachy.


Re: Panic Attacks/Passionflower...

Submitted by MCDXXXI on Mon, 2008-04-07 - 16:46
I have anxiety issues too I've tried Passionflower but it didn't do much for me. I make tea with chamomile and scullcap herbs, and they seem to lessen my anxiety, it's an especially good combination before bedtime.

Re: Panic Attacks/Passionflower...

Submitted by plopdan on Mon, 2008-04-07 - 17:31

Well thanks this discussion has began to explain to me why I don't like going near a main road. I never thought it was or might be an aura or a simple siezure.  Mind you there was that time I walked out on to a main road and never knew it until a big lorry beeped it's horn and I came out of whatever it was, it scared the living daylights out of me.  But a point of interest when I came to I had a bag of potatoes on me, and to this day I have no idea where it came from?

(Is'nt MCDXXX, 1180)

Hope every one gets better

[email protected]

Well thanks this discussion has began to explain to me why I don't like going near a main road. I never thought it was or might be an aura or a simple siezure.  Mind you there was that time I walked out on to a main road and never knew it until a big lorry beeped it's horn and I came out of whatever it was, it scared the living daylights out of me.  But a point of interest when I came to I had a bag of potatoes on me, and to this day I have no idea where it came from?

(Is'nt MCDXXX, 1180)

Hope every one gets better

[email protected]

Re: Panic Attacks/Passionflower...

Submitted by ragin6 on Mon, 2007-05-07 - 15:10
I have TLE. I used to think I had a panic disorder. If I were you I would try to find out if you are really having "panic attacks". I learned through my own experiences that many with epilepsy who complain of symptoms that resemble "panic attacks" are diagnosed with a panic/anxiety disorder. After trying two different anxiety medicines to treat my symptoms I had a video EEG to see if my so called panic attacks were related to my epilepsy. After a couple days I had an one. Come to find out I was actually in a seizure which I never knew. I used to think that the panic attack would sometimes trigger a seizure I had know idea that I was already seizing when they would start. What sometimes happens is that the seizure spreads and the longer I am in the seizure the more I lose awareness as to what's going on. After my doctor and I found out what was really happening he added Keppra as a second drug and I haven't had one since. Good luck.

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