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Please help after haveing your seizures have you had troubles with reading and stuff like that ?

Wed, 08/01/2007 - 10:49
You know since i started haveing my seizures i have had more and more troubles concentrating and reading i use to love reading and just doing things. Do you ladies have any problems like this. Its so frustrating. Fawn


Re: Please help after haveing your seizures have you had trouble

Submitted by itsmyeviltwin on Wed, 2007-08-01 - 11:38
Hi Fawn I'm Deb. I can relate! used to be one of those people who always had a novel going and one waiting. Now, have trouble with focus and memory. So I have to read , then reread ...because I've lost track or forgotten the plot and characters. Reading is a challenge now, but I still love it (and it exercises my brain) so I still read, just don't get so many books in these days...LOL!

Re: Re: Please help after haveing your seizures have you had tro

Submitted by sowaseed2 on Wed, 2007-08-01 - 21:40
Hi Fawn and deb, I'm Nicole and the same thing has happened to me. Focusing and remembering, I always have to do a little back tracking so I can remember who is who, and what is what. Sometimes it really frustrates me, but I keep doing reading because I love it too. One of my closest friends, my mom and I swap books. As you mentioned, I am slowest reader between the three of us now. Thank God they are patient.

Re: Please help after haveing your seizures have you had trouble

Submitted by mally hoo on Tue, 2007-08-14 - 03:41
Words actually make me motion sick. It started happening after seizures now reading can cause a seizure. I get dizzy then I feel like I am flipping inside out. I hate it, epilepsy is slowly taking everything away from me. Reading, travel and gotta stop blogging. It's happening again.

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