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Pregnant & On More Than 1 Medication

Tue, 04/10/2007 - 12:27
Hello, Before I was pregnant for the second time I was on 900mg Triletal and 12mg of Gabitril twice a day. Currently I am 5 months pregnant and have been getting frequent seizures. The doctor has increased my medication to 1200mg of Trileptal, 12mg Gabitril, and 1500mg of Keppra all twice a day. I have gotten a toxic overdose two times during my pregnancy and my medication was adjusted to the amount I am currently taking. I get auras almost every day and got sick again last night 3 times. My family is very worried about me and want me to see another doctor. I thought there is really nothing you can do when you are pregnant except pray for the best. The only thing possible is raise your doses as the doctor says, have surgery, or get the Vegas Nerve stimulator. Am I right? Does anyone have some recommendations about my situation where you can help? Should I see another doctor? Please help me.


Re: Pregnant & On More Than 1 Medication

Submitted by LaylaB on Tue, 2007-04-10 - 12:38
I forgot to mention, I seem very tired as usual and seem very depressed and will start crying very easily while on the medication. Not sure if this is from the medication or the pregnancy???

Re: Pregnant & On More Than 1 Medication

Submitted by Basham on Tue, 2007-04-10 - 13:32
I can feel for you having been on meds during 3 of my 4 pregnancies. Yes, find another doc, if only to get a second opinion. You obviously don't sound totally happy with your care. I don't know much about the side effects of the first two meds you are on, though Keppra can cause mood changes. Pregnancy causes mood changes too!!! I used to cry everytime I laughed too much. : ) Anyway, part of the equation is how bad your seizures are. You really don't want to go around having grand mals while you're pregnant. You have to find the right balance between the "badness" of the drugs and the "badness" of the seizures. You can also try the low carb diet, though that would have to be medically supervised, esp while pregnant (take those vitamins!!) Pregnancy changes a lot of things in your body, I am sure your doc has mentioned that it can affect seizures too. I wish you the best! Another Mom

Re: Re: Pregnant & On More Than 1 Medication

Submitted by terri79 on Mon, 2007-05-07 - 17:18
hi i was on sodium valporate and tegretol retard when pregnant and i was always worrying about what they were doing to my baby. Being pregnant seemed to trigger of my seizures and my doctor signed me off work for because of it and told me to make sure whichever room i was in to make sure i laid lots of pillows/cushions on the floor! i began to worry more about what the seizures were doing to the baby then the medication but was advised it would be more harmful if i stopped the medication and had more sezuires, i was constantly tired and struggled to stay up past 9.00, my advice is go with your instinct and dont get fobbed off by anyone, good luck

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