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Trileptal: I'm afraid it will take my auras away.. they're my warning!

Thu, 08/02/2007 - 22:16
I have complex partial seizures and at times simple partial or partial. I'm awake for the latter and they're characterized by feelings of deja vu and fear of course. Alot of fear. I just switched from Lamictal to Trileptal and I'm afraid it will take away my auras. The auras are awful but tey're my warning signs. Anyone know anything about this? My complex partials cause me to lose consciousness so I need the warning. As if this wasn't bad enough.. thanks Nancy


Re: Trileptal: I'm afraid it will take my auras away.. they're m

Submitted by kkrn1988 on Mon, 2007-09-03 - 21:36
My understanding is that an aura is a seizure, just not full blown. At least that's how my neuro explained it. If that's true then not having auras will be a sign that your seizures are better controlled. I totally understand your fear. I get more afraid when I do have an aura. Hope that helps.

Re: Re: Trileptal: I'm afraid it will take my auras away.. they'

Submitted by pan06 on Mon, 2007-09-03 - 22:30
I am not on Trieptal, but you are lucky about the auras. I have partial-complex seizures, but I do not have auras. I had a seizure one day and when it ended, I noticed that I had walked across a busy street. Thank God I did not get hit. I also had a seizure one time while I was in the bath tub. My dog kept standing at the BR door whining, until my mother went to the door to let her in. My mother found me seizing in the tub. The water faucet is what kept my head from going underwater. Thank God I did not drown either. I was also sitting on a brick wall on day. I fell off the wall. Luckily one of my friends ran and got a nurse that came out to help. I woke up when I was getting in the ambulance. So all in all, consider yourself lucky about the auras. I wish I had those to tell me when I am about to have a seizure. Maybe the Trieptal will not take your auras away.

Re: Re: Re: Trileptal: I'm afraid it will take my auras away.. t

Submitted by Meskerkid on Tue, 2007-09-04 - 21:02
oh no what horrible scenarios you've described. Thank heavens you didn't get hurt in any of them. One of my cats freaks too when I have a seizure. She lets my husband know. I have complex partial seizures and I don't want to get surprised the way you did. It's tough for you I know. Nancy

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