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unsupportive spouses

Sat, 06/23/2007 - 23:25
my husband expects me to be the very same and even better than I was at the beginning of our relationship (pre-epilepsy) (pre-brain surgery)


Re: unsupportive spouses

Submitted by forestams on Sun, 2007-06-24 - 19:53
I know what you mean- I had surgery in March and all I can think about it moving on with my life - trying new things going to new places and my boyfriend is all of a sudden - OH wow I never knew you wanted to do stuff before! - well whatever- now I want to go live a little - oh and i've been sort of depressed after taking an overview of how my life has been presurgery and well- I don't like how it was- another thing he's not happy about- and me neither- but as the drs keep telling me it's only been 3 months and well- they also gave me anti depressants hehehe cause I need MORE drugs right? ;P I'm not sure what your gripe is with him exactly but having the RTL has had a profound effect on my life and it has made me see things in a different way- sometimes I don't think other people want to understand what it might be like to have these types of problems for real because that's too close to home- even if they watch you have seizures all the time! They'd just rather say- 'Oh well now it's over' - while you might be thinking- yea I hope so! Just wanted to let you know that I feel your frustration! How long ago was your surgery? Mine was only 3 mons ago and I'm still waiting for a great relief from my rush of feelings! Take care- and sorry for the long message! Amanda

Re: Re: unsupportive spouses

Submitted by bertRN on Sun, 2007-06-24 - 22:11
Hi, I understand how excited you are after surgery. I like others with seizures had a lower than normal self esteem and felt as if I had to settle. This changed after surgery and becoming an RN. I was divorced 2 years later and life is great. I believe my wife used my disorder to keep me under her control. Never settle and chase your dreams. Good luck!

Wow you have done well Bert!

Submitted by itsmyeviltwin on Fri, 2007-06-29 - 12:19
Wow you have done well Bert! I am a 30 yr veteran Rn just diagnosed with seizure disorder. Unfortunately, with my first tonic clonic, I fell hard and hit my head, causing a head injury which has messed up my thought processes and personality somewhat and I will probably end up seeking disability. So..with your surgery for your epilepsy, you have been given a chance to do what I can no longer do and have replaced an RN who must leave. Its good and for some strange reason your story made me feel better. (Circle of Life stuff, maybe? LOL!:) Best of luck in this crazy profession of ours!

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