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VNS and Pregnancy

Mon, 07/09/2007 - 14:54
Has anyone been thru pregnancy with their VNS? I am trying to get pregnant and I am on the Highest amount of hormones allowed, the hormones I think make my seizures worse, I was only having them during my period, now I have them several times a day, Any info would be great


Re: VNS and Pregnancy

Submitted by tfielder01 on Fri, 2011-09-09 - 14:21
I am kind of in the same position as you. I have been contemplating getting pregnant and I too have a VNS for my epilepsy. My first pregnancy was pretty rough and it made my seizures go completely haywire! I was up to 20 pills a day (5 different kinds) all to help control my epilepsy, and these were not including my prenatal and folic acid pills that I had to take to ensure that I had a healthy baby. I am also wondering about how having a VNS will help with my seizures during my second pregnancy, when that time comes. I know that my eldest sister also has VNS for her epilepsy and she went through pregnancy with it. She was able to have a close to normal pregnancy and had both of her children, with and without the VNS, vaginally. I just hope that I will be able to have a somewhat normal pregnancy the second time around, unlike the first one.

Re: VNS and Pregnancy

Submitted by scbylvr12 on Mon, 2013-01-07 - 20:46
My husband and I are looking at beginning the process. My neuro told me its about a year or so process due to my medie cation.  I'm on the medicine you see all the commercials about that cause the severe birth defects.  So I read that you shouldn't be on any more than 2 pills and that i the mother has epilepsy then the chance of the child having epilepsy at any age of life is pretty high. How are all of your children doing?  With that knowledge did you find it difficult to get pregnant? Reading all of this I am getting nervous that I am being selfish in wanting to bring a child into this world when there are so many risks I could be putting it at during the pregnancy. any advice from mom's out there???

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