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Weight the never Ending Battle

Wed, 06/06/2007 - 15:20
Just when I thought I was losing weight I went to my Family Doctor and I gained 10pnds back. Last year was good I was going pretty good at the battle of losing weight and this week I feel I'm going back into the area of heavy gain cycles. I take 1 250mg Valproic Acid in the morning and 2 of the 250mg Valproic Acid at night so I'm not sure what's going on. I'm going for walks but I'm missing something. I guess I need to just take out all foods like Bread and the like because that where I seem to be struggling with still. So is it just a lack of will power or are my Meds not helping either? I don't know what to do.


Re: Weight the never Ending Battle

Submitted by spaznurse on Wed, 2007-06-06 - 18:20
I can empathize. I take Topamax and my doc told me most people LOSE weight on it...but all I want to do is eat on the stuff..I've gained 20 pounds and it is quite depressing. .the med seems to have changed my body chemistry and metabolic rate greatly. Plus my allergies are horrid this spring and I'm taking Claritin (which also causes weight gain_ ACK!!!) "If you can laugh at it you can survive it'---Bill Cosby Spaznurse

Re: Weight the never Ending Battle

Submitted by emma_nz on Wed, 2007-06-06 - 22:24
I can sympathise with your post... My weight is always up and down... About 3 months ago I joined weight watchers, and so far have lost about 30lb - have you considered doing something like that??? I find that having guidelines to follow, as opposed to the 'rules' that other diets have, has really helped me, and has taught me HEALTHY ways to lose weight, without having to miss out on any of the foods that I like.. Best of luck with your weight loss! Maybe next time you're at your doctor, discuss it with him/her (re your med's affecting weight loss)

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