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What are These Sensations?

Mon, 05/07/2007 - 21:49
I get the freakiest sensations inside my head, like my brain feels "startled" over and over again in the space of a few seconds or minutes. It builds up like a little pressure wave and then releases. "Startled" is the only word I can find to describe this sensation. I feel like my head is falling forward when it's not actually moving, then the startle thing happens and I jerk slightly. This can go on for hours, then I start oozing tears. I'm not actually crying or sad, just quietly oozing away. Also, I get these psycho emotional waves that make no sense. I get overwhelmingly oh-so-happy, then seconds later, I feel such rage I start looking for something small and fluffy to dismember. I know that all of this scares my kids and husband and that is the most horrible feeling of all. I want to just chain myself up in the basement until the hair on my knuckles retracts. The only warning I get is sometimes I smell imaginary stuff or the edges of things get glowy or I get hyper-sensitive to noise and light; otherwise nothing. Does anyone else out there have the weird brain feelings? They aren't described anywhere. I had a very un-interesting EEG a few years ago, so I don't even know if I really have epilepsy; it could be brain squirrels for all the docs can tell me.


Re: What are These Sensations?

Submitted by spaznurse on Tue, 2007-05-08 - 13:37
Wow. that would scare me too. If they are not seizures (maybe you need a recheck?) have you talked to your neuro about a type of migraine? I know folks who have strange symptoms as well as auras like these instead of headaches and they are related to vascular problems in the brain.. Do you take any meds for these symptoms..they sound awful. Also felt some of your emotional feelings when I was 'at the edge' of really really losing it..chronic pain to anxiety/panic then to craziness for awhile. You may think about talking to a therapist/psych doc if you haven't yet. These things can really go from bad to worse if allowed to progress believe me...I am living proof...LOL! They will help you cope with some of your feelings about this and maybe even refer you to someone else who can better help you with these episodes. I am a nurse, not a please talk to a doc or NP about these things OK? Take care and please reach out.(I was a kid with a sick Mom and your kids and you both need for you to do so) Be well and best wishes! :) Deb aka spaznurse

Re: Re: What are These Sensations?

Submitted by heathersmithers on Tue, 2007-05-08 - 17:35
there was a post on here awhile back... they were looking at the over 40 types of seziures..if you follow the link it will describe some of them and also give links for some of them etc... it could prove to be very helpful for you in what you are describing... Also keep in mind that not all eeg's turn up with postive results..i have had 8 in the past five years now,, all normal,, and one sleep deprived eeg.. that was the adnormal one... still uncontrolled and on 3 meds... anyway type this in...the left hand side under search my epilepsy .com then press go.. it should bring up the link for the 40 seziures.. Over 40 Different Types Of Seizures good luck i hope it helps you. Heather

Re: Re: What are These Sensations?

Submitted by Mercedes on Thu, 2007-05-10 - 13:28
Thanks for the sympathetic reply. I have been to 2 neuros and 3 psychiatrists-the problem is they won't talk to eachother. One neuro was offended that I was being medicated for bipolar by another neuro and refused to prescribe anything beyond anti-convulsants. The last psych didn't see that he could help me if the symptoms were neurological in origin. My present neuro can't address any hormonal influences on these episodes, etc. I am finally scheduled to see someone at USC Keck two months from now, so I can only hope that the squirrels hibernate until then. I rode my last attack out yesterday for 5 hours sitting in chairs in my local ER watching trauma patients wheel in and stack up in the hallways. After 5 hours I was farther behind in the line than when I arrived, so I got them to release me and went home to jerk in private. Woke up dizzy and tired, but relatively functional. I know this sounds like a major whine (even to me). Your response was very kind. Thanks for the ear. Cheers - Merc

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