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When is the Epilepsy and Pregnancy too much?

Thu, 09/13/2007 - 22:15
Hi Ladies, I have been looking up info on the internet, talking to family and friends, joining discussion boards and chatrooms for women w/ epilepsy, checking out books from the library, talking to my neurologist and high risk obgyn about pregnancy and epilepsy, and the effects of AED's on babies and their mommies. I'm starting to wonder....when is all this research too much? Hmm...well, I think I might have answered my own question...I have not been able to sleep for the last week...and I think it's because I am so scared and worried about planning a baby. It's sad that we as future moms have to decipher all the info, or the lack of info on meds for ourselves. Maybe I need a break from all my research. I feel like I'm so well versed in epilepsy that I could write a book, but at the same time, I feel like I stil have no answers,about pregnancy and keppra, and breastfeeding. It's like I'm in the same place I started at a few months ago. I wonder if I'll ever be comfortable with getting pregnant. Perhaps its just one of those things I have to deal with, because its my health, and I cant change it. I know there are lots of women in my situation who want to have a healhty baby, and who want to breastfeed, and also remain seizure free...but how does one go about it...while keeping their sanity? I am so scared. I can't say that enough. Perhaps its time for prayer. I don't know what else to do. For all the ladies out there who want to plan a baby, like me and my hubby, you all are in my prayers. Let's hope that everything turns out okay. :)


Re: When is the Epilepsy and Pregnancy too much?

Submitted by elizleigh on Fri, 2007-09-14 - 11:04
It is hard, isn't it? When the doctors won't really give you any direct information at all? When you ask them which medication is the safest and what they recommend and they just say that none of them are really safe and they just beat around the bush because they afraid to lead you anywhere in case they are wrong, because they really don't know anymore than we do. It's really sad and so scary for us. We can only do so much research because there is only so much me can understand without a medical degree. All we can do is hope and pray that we each make the best decision we can for ourselves. :-)

Re: When is the Epilepsy and Pregnancy too much?

Submitted by Liska on Fri, 2007-09-14 - 13:18
Sometimes you just have to put it all into God's hands. Sorry I don't know about Keppra but I have been on Lamictal for 5yrs and last yr I had a healthy baby boy. The meds had no affect on him at all. I didn't breestfeed but he is growing just fine and his Ped. told me that today's formula has everything our babies need for healthy growth. While I was pg my doctor was Dr. Justin Lavin M.D. he is the Director of the Division of Maternal/Fetal Medicine at Akron Children's Hospital and he is also a Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine. He merely glanced at my meds and told me that he had done a study the yr before on Lamictal and he felt that out of all ANS meds to be on Lamictal was the least likely to have any affect on the baby. He was right. But, I will tell you this. He kept a good eye on me and my baby. By the time my son was born I had a total of 15 ultra-sounds. So, sometimes you need to put your worry aside and let God take care of you and your baby. Good luck to you, Melissa P.S. Just so you know there all a lot of women out there on ANS meds and have healthy children. Including two of my cousins.

Re: When is the Epilepsy and Pregnancy too much?

Submitted by Spiff on Fri, 2007-09-14 - 16:25
Just to let you know, I saw an epilepsy specialist at UCLA (Dr. Engel) and he felt that Lamictal and Keppra are both perfectly safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding. He just said to make sure to take extra folic acid (he said 2 mg per day, but I am taking 4 mg) and keep in close contact with your doctor. I already had one daughter before I started taking the Keppra and was nervous about having a second child while on the medication, but after talking to Dr. Engel I feel completely comfortable with taking the Keppra. It is also very important for me to breastfeed and he assured me that this was perfectly fine... Best of luck to you!

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