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Which meds cause weight loss?

Thu, 06/28/2007 - 17:55
Beyond the obvious - Topomax - are there any others? DH wants me to switch, he calls topomax "stupamax" because I'm always forgetting things... but I'm hell-bent on dropping 40lbs of baby weight that I gained so switching to a drug that makes me GAIN weight just isn't going to be an option for me. I need either a weight neutral med or one that has an effect like topomax (ideal). Any ideas?????????????????????? And yes, yes, yes - I know all drugs are different it'll depend on my type of seizures, etc. etc. I'm just wondering outloud so I have some questions to ask my neurologist when I go in next time. Thanks in advance! Cj


Re: Which meds cause weight loss?

Submitted by babzy on Fri, 2007-07-06 - 02:34
hi CJ, did you look into keppra? i was on topamax a short time and noticed my appetite decrease so i went off of it.trileptal is a weight gainer due to the sodium issues it can cause. i was leary about kepra but i'm on it and notice my appetite down as it was when i was on topamax..mind wise, i can think clearer and have not memory issues good luck

Re: Re: Which meds cause weight loss?

Submitted by Dee_6 on Thu, 2007-08-02 - 07:01
ok obviously meds are different with everyone......I was going off depakote (big weight gain there) starting trileptal lost 25lbs. now gained 10 back however lost a little too much. Trileptal literally sucked the salt out of my body even though depakote caused the weight gain don't think it caused all the weight loss trileptal helped. I didn't eat enough salt so it took all my body had and more had to go off because it also made me not want to eat enough salt.

Re: Which meds cause weight loss?

Submitted by kaidi on Mon, 2007-07-09 - 11:30
Keppra for sure, although the way it does it for me is by suppressing my appetite, so find a way to stay healthy at the same time!! How long have you been on Topamax? I am on Topamax and Keppra, and the Topamax only affected me cognitively for the first month or so, then the side effects really tapered off. Between the two, I went from 125 to 110. The Keppra definitely added to the weight loss, though. Just stay healthy!!

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