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Zonegran & menstrual cycle

Fri, 04/06/2007 - 12:49
Hi I've only been on Zonegran for about a month or so and my Dr is slowly raising my dosage because I'm still having seizures and this month my period is late, which is unusual because I'm pretty regular and there's no chance of being pregnant. I'm wondering if the Zonegran is causing my period to be late or even worse, absent. Anyone else on Zonegran and have problems with their menstrual cycle? Peace ~ Jodi


Actually yes.I've been on it

Submitted by funkypazur on Sun, 2018-08-19 - 10:59
Actually yes.I've been on it for 4 months now and my periods have been so light and these last 2 months non-existent...I still get all the indicators that I'm expecting my period..sore breasts, extra tears, bloating, chocolate craving and abdominal pain but no bleeding. I keep expecting to find blood in my underwear. It's frightening how a drug can just change one of the most natural parts of being a woman. I don't know what zonisamide is doing but I don't like this change and it's not  even controlling my seizures well...zon also gave me depression and had me engage in suicidal ideation in our first few weeks of courtship. What a guy!-Emily

Re: Zonegran & menstrual cycle

Submitted by balletkat on Tue, 2007-04-24 - 17:11
Hi, I noticed that Zonegran changed my cycle. I still had it on time, but I started to get a heavier flow and the cramping was really bad. The gyno and the epi both said that it wasn't from the Zonegran. I had signed up for a med evaluation ot help out pharm students and the student did the research and found that there is a small chance that Zonegran can affect the cycle....1% I think she said. Keep an eye on how it goes over a few months as well as how it works for your seizures. I added birth control to help with my issues since Zonegran was working pretty well seizure wise. Talk to your drs too. Mary

Re: Re: Zonegran & menstrual cycle

Submitted by Jodi72 on Fri, 2007-04-27 - 18:47
Yeah, I'm still having seizures, it seems like every time my Dr. raises my dosage I have a seizure so I want off this med. I think it's time to try something else.

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