Community Forum Archive

The Epilepsy Community Forums are closed, and the information is archived. The content in this section may not be current or apply to all situations. In addition, forum questions and responses include information and content that has been generated by epilepsy community members. This content is not moderated. The information on these pages should not be substituted for medical advice from a healthcare provider. Experiences with epilepsy can vary greatly on an individual basis. Please contact your doctor or medical team if you have any questions about your situation. For more information, learn about epilepsy or visit our resources section.

Topic: Diagnostic Dilemmas and Testing

Hopefully some answers, finally!

05/2007 | 1 Comments

Been awhile since my last post. Have been waiting months for a bed to come open at our local hospital. Things are looking up. We changed neurologists...
So many diagnosis?

05/2007 | 1 Comments

The neurologist said it sounds like I had been experiencing seizures. Went on this great website and yes it sounds like the symptoms of Partial...
Carbon monoxide and epilepsy

05/2007 | 4 Comments

Our family was exposed to low-level chronic carbon monoxide over this past winter. We discovered it when my 13-year-old son started having seizures...
TLE Partial seizures and vomiting

05/2007 | 1 Comments

Hi my names Sarah and I first started experiencing 'funny turns' quite a few years ago when i was 19-20.?? The specialist sent me for eeg and mri...
Brain stem epilepsy and psychsomatic???

05/2007 | 2 Comments

Hi I'm new here-sorry this is long. I have been operated twice on my brainstem (and have been a little disabled since then). Since my first operation...

04/2007 | 0 Comments

Can anybody tell me if they heard about this clinic, have they been treated there for E and would they recommend it. I just want to know people's good...
EEG testing again!!!!! UGH

04/2007 | 2 Comments

OK, can you believe this. Today I put on an ambulatory unit, the previous 5 of 7 days I had seizures and I am hoping to have an event recorded. So far...
PRE Seziure

04/2007 | 2 Comments

Has anyone here heard of a "pre seziure"? I had tremors & stiffness yesterday (I stayed awake the whole time) and went to the ER and they said it was...

04/2007 | 0 Comments

I was diagnosed with Ep after having a brain tumor found and removed and as such I have MRI's every year to track stuff and what not- but what has...
Could seizures be psychosomatic?

04/2007 | 11 Comments

I have had epilepsy for eleven years now. God, it sounds like so long when I say that. Anyway as with most people's seizures my doctor can give me...
MEG tests

04/2007 | 3 Comments

Does anyone know anything about the MEG test and how important are they
Seizure? What type?

04/2007 | 1 Comments

Recently I was at work and performing Reception type duties. As I was entering data into the computer, I was also speaking with a customer. I started...
Help, am feeling a little lost.....

04/2007 | 3 Comments

I am not even sure if I belong on here. Where to start... I have had these funny episodes at night when waking up, or rather I wake up cause I can...
My chronic seizures stopped in 1997

04/2007 | 0 Comments

My story of being diagnosed with Epilepsy and all of the testing and drugs that I was on for 9 years is a long one. My neurologist said I would be on...
Does a positive EEG mean Epilepsy?

04/2007 | 1 Comments

We just found out today that my daughter had an abnormal EEG result. I insisted to the ER doctor 2 weeks ago that she had a seizure. My aunt was...

04/2007 | 2 Comments

Hi! I really haven't felt that I am epileptic. Not since childhood (around 4, when I used to have simple partial seizures that I never told anyone...
bitemporal abnormalities - epilepsy?

04/2007 | 0 Comments

following a 90hr VEEG the report said "the interictal EEG shows independent bitemporal abnormalities, more marked on the right. Focal discharges are...

04/2007 | 0 Comments

also when i sleep sometimes i will wake up but what wakes me up is a startle of my whole body- it's like my body jumps- but no one is touching me or...

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