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Lamictal side effects.

Mon, 02/27/2006 - 20:49
Hi, I am really in trouble regarding the medicine. I took Depakote ER for my generalized seizures and been controled by it for about 5 years. In March 2004 I had a child who was born with Fetal Valproate Syndrome-syndrome caused by Depakote. I can't describe to you how painful it is to realize how much damage I did to my own son! It took me about 6 months to find out what was wrong with him because all doctors who saw him couldn't help me. Right now, thank God, he is a very active, happy boy, running and destroying everything around:)). But he underwent two surgeries and maybe one more is coming. Now, we decided to try to have another child and I started to change medication on something safer. There is no safe medication but new generation AEDs sound more promising. At first, doctor put me on Keppra 500mg twice a day. On the fourth day after completely stop taking Depakote and being only on Keppra I had a seizure, first in 5 years. I scared my older son who is 11 years old now a lot. He helped me during my seizure because my husband was at work at that time. My youngest was OK, he didn't understand anything. Doctor increased my dosage to 2000mg a day. But my mood is very affected by it. I am very snappy, angry and tired all the time. Plus there is not enough data regarding pregnancy and Keppra. After talking to my doctor again we decided to switch to Lamictal. There is some data regarding pregnancy on this medication. It's my second week on Keppra 2000mg and Lamictal 50 gr. It's going to take overall 8 weeks to do a complete swith. The dosage of Lamictal at the end will be 400 mg. But since yesterday, I started to have funny taste when I eat-everything tastes bitter. Plus I don't want to eat at all, except bread. I started to wonder, can it be an effect of Lamictal and will it go away? I am lost completely. Did anyone experience anything like that and what did you do? Sorry for such a long blog! Thank you very much for any response! Natalya.


Re: Lamictal side effects.

Submitted by Jenii xD on Tue, 2006-02-28 - 16:40
Hi Natalya :D Your doctor has to be very careful, making sure you're increasing and decreasing your meds very slowly. I had a doctor that put me on Keppra, raised it too quickly to 3000mg, and I had mood swings like you would not believe! Happy, sad, angry, scared, angry, happy again...UGH. I didn't like this so I went to see another doctor. Doctor Number 1 said Dr #2 was a complete idiot for upping it so fast. I was having seizures the entire time too. Not just the auras and simple partials I usually get, but super creepy scary complex partials. I'm still on Keppra, but it's at the low dose of 1500mg, and I'm doing much better on that. Soon after being on 1500mg Keppra, I was started on Lamictal. Right now I am taking 100mg and I'm in the process of building it up to 125mg, and then taking a blood test for both drug levels. So far, Lamictal works great. I'm really hyper, focused, and have absolutely no trouble concentrating. I just wanted to add...YES, LAMICTAL TASTES LIKE IT SHRIVELS UP AND DIES RIGHT ON YOUR TONGUE! ewie! So I always drop it in the back of my mouth and down half a glass of VitaminWater! It may sound strange, but it works. Poof! no icky taste. ;D

Re: Re: Lamictal side effects.

Submitted by natalya on Tue, 2006-02-28 - 16:54
Hi Jenii xD, Thanks for the reply! I am still waiting for my doctor to call. I want to be off Keppra for sure. I felt terrible on 1000 mg(swithing for 4 weeks from Depakote to Keppra) and on 2000mg right now. My mood swings are awfull! Happy in the morning and extremely angry closer to evening, plus I am very snappy all the time! It's just not for me! Plus on the top of it I had a seizure. Hopefully, I can get used to Lamictal. I'll try your recipe :)! Thank again! Natalya.

Re: Re: Re: Lamictal side effects.

Submitted by stamp on Sun, 2006-04-30 - 15:34
what do you want to take when you get off Keppra?

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