Community Forum Archive

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Fri, 03/09/2007 - 00:12
I'm on Keppra and Carbatrol and breastfeeding my 3 month old. I was just wondering if anyone has anything to share from experiences whether good or bad. I'm trying to decide how long I want to keep this up or if I'm going to stop and use formula for baby's sake. Any advice is greatly appreciated.


Re: Breastfeeding

Submitted by Chrissyml on Thu, 2007-03-29 - 07:40
Hi Karina. I have been taking Tegretol and Mysoline for decades. I breastfed my first child for 20 months and my second child for more than 2 years. My kids are 18 and 16 years old now. Neither ever had ear infections, unlike their cousins who were bottlefed. My kids both have excellent immune systems. :)

Re: Re: Breastfeeding

Submitted by Sugar on Fri, 2007-07-13 - 15:39
I'm on Keppra too and was just told not to breastfeed to be on the safe side. I'm so dissappointed and confused why is there so much contradictory info out there? Is my dr just ultra conservative?

Re: Breastfeeding

Submitted by tonialpha on Fri, 2007-07-13 - 19:17
Medications and breastfeeding seems to change continuing. I was on Tegretol when I had my first son. He would not breast feed and would not take my milk, I tried with a nurse via the hospital and then at home and brought a machine home w/ me. The Pediatrician said he was losing weight so told me it was the baby not me. He had collic by his second month. My second child I was on three medications and I was on Tegretol, Keppra and Klonopin and was told not to breast feed. My first child had a lot of ear infections and my second child is healthy. My children are 14 and 10 and have no health problems. Just teenagers!! Yikes that is another story or saga!

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