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Sat, 10/28/2006 - 23:21
I was wondering if there is anyone that has Epilepsy that is or has suffered from infertility? I am 26 yrs. old and have been seizure free for close to 10 years. I have suffered with Epilepsy since I was 5 yrs. old. I was on depakote, but have been med free for 4 years. My husband and I have been trying to conceive from 3 years now. My periods are crazy. I have 2 periods a month. I have been getting help from my GYNO for over a year. I've been through test and fertility drugs. I still have been unable to conceive, without a reason of why I have been unsuccessful. I was just wondering if there was anyone that might be going through the same thing or have heard of anything. I would appreciate any advice I can get at this point. Thank you!


Re: Re: Epilepsy/Infertility?

Submitted by jules3109 on Thu, 2006-12-14 - 14:06
I wonder too if Epilepsy and Infertility/Miscarriage problems are related. I was just diagnosed w/Epilepsy but over the last 12 years I have had 8+ miscarriages, 6 unsuccessful "artifical insemination"s, and 1 "successful" embryo transfer which ended in miscarriage. My Genetic doctor (a professor at Vanderbilt) found no chromosomal defects to explain. Told me my chances of successful pregnancy to term was less than 5% at that point. That was 4 years ago and I have since had another miscarriage which means my chances dropped even more. My point is: Looking back and knowing what I know now...I think I have had nocturnal seizures for some years. (it was just recently that they manifested in daytime also) I wonder if that could have caused my inability to carry a baby to term. Also, I wonder if AEDs would have changed that circumstance for me. Maybe I am just trying to pin the infertility/miscarriage problems on something. A lot of us will NEVER know for sure why we go through these things. My husband and I want to adopt a baby. :-) Closed door = open window. I understand the feelings you are going thru with the losses. I pray each of you gets an answer and are able to "fix" whatever it is that is causing it.

Re: Re: Re: Epilepsy/Infertility?

Submitted by gretat on Fri, 2006-12-15 - 08:43
I went through all the same steps and they can't figure out why I can't carry either. I get pregnant very easy but lose it by the third month. My RE thinks there is a correlation with the seizure meds affecting the lining of the uterus and they make your hormones crazy. They also said there hasn't been enough research on seizure meds in pregnancy yet. Probably 10 years from now they will know what the situation is, but until then you just have to talk to other people on AEDs. We are adopting right now through an awesome agency. Don't get discouraged - Always remember eventually some way you WILL have a baby! You are not alone.

Re: Re: Re: Epilepsy/Infertility?

Submitted by gitgirl on Tue, 2007-02-06 - 20:34
Jules, May I ask you a personal question--your age? The reason is this. I have had epilespy for 20 yrs. I just turned 40 in October of last yr. I had to have 13 fibroids removed in 2005. I was told I had a high FSH which means I don't have a lot of ovaries. I was told by a reproductive endocrinologist I'd have to be given shots to start my ovulations and then go to artifical insemination, so I'm curious as to how old you were when you tried it. I'd like to try that and an embryo transfer before I look at adoption (because I'm single). Thanks, Julie

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