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Epileptic Women high risk for Osteoperosis

Tue, 10/24/2006 - 12:34
Hi, I am 41 years old. I have been epileptic for 24 years. My seizures have been under control for 18 years on Tegretol. I have not had side effects from this medication until this past summer. I want to share this with you so that you can stay on top of your health in case your doctor is not aware of this. My neurologist and GYN were aware, where as my genenral practioner was not. My neurologist wanted to get me off the tegretol because he said that ir causes ostepeosis. I did a sleep/mdication deprived EEG and it came up that I would have a 90% chance of seizuring if I went off the med. The Neurologist and the GYN decided I needed a bone scan. It was normal. The GYN ordeered a calcium level and vitamin D level. The D came up low and so he told me for two months to take the caltrate twice a day. My D level was even lower. He said it is a common side effect with seizure medicine. I have a call into the Neurologist to see if I can get the medication changed. I have not heard back. If he cannot, the GYN wants me started on presription vitamin D 50,000 mg. per week. I did do a search and it said that all seizure med has a side effect of decreasing the vitamin D which makes epileptic women at more risk for osteoperosis and the other thing that does is that the seizure med will put us into menopause earlier than most women. The early onset also puts us at high risk of cardiac disease. So be on top of your health, request vitamin D checks when you get your yearly physicals especially if you have a history of osteoperosis in the family. If you are in your mid to late 30's talk to your doctor about the calcium supplement with vitamin D and the omega 3's are good for preventing cardiac disease. Any advice from people who have shared this and what your doctor did, I would appreciate it. All the best! Sharon


Re: Re: Re: Epileptic Women high risk for Osteoperosis

Submitted by angel_lts on Mon, 2006-11-20 - 10:56
Hi Sharon, Taking a high dose of calcium can effect all the organs in your body. So be careful how much you plan to take. Because of the meds are so new, we will not know what they do, till years to come. I believe we need many of the vitamins, for our meds decrease our nutrition anyway. Yes I did know that about trileptal(for tegretal is the same, and that is why I did have osteopenia), but I was on it only for three to four years. And in that time my osteopenia turned to normal but from progesterone. As for the HRT be careful what you choose, for you can have some interactions with your meds. And some of the these hormones are not natural and cause more side effects than it is worth. Personally I use progesterone cream and it has worked wonders and never gave me trouble. Make sure you check out my site about what calcium is the best and what absorbs better too. take care and thanks Lisa

Re: Epileptic Women high risk for Osteoperosis

Submitted by tonialpha on Mon, 2006-12-18 - 17:58
Thank you for your note! I was never told about Vitamin D until now. I was just told that parts of my body have osteopenia and OSTEOPOROSIS! I was a test patient on Tegretol in the 70's. I was just told to take extra Vit. D. The medication is a prescription of Fosamax-D. The GYN never told me it was the meds. The computer information does mention anticonvulsants and Prednisone, which I both use. Why did they never tell me this. I am 53. I have had osteopenia for 6 years. No one told me. I was told to eat right and exercise daily. I told the Gyn., I try but my seizures and asthma get in the way but I do my best. How does anyone else keep their weight down and deal with osteoporsis. He told me to keep my balance too! I told him I've broken my fibula and tibia and I have a trouble w/ balance because of it. We all have balance problems if we take anticonvulsants once in a while. I have broken 2 other bones in my body. Now they are adding an additional medication. As you get older they keep finding another medication to give you. GRR! Anticonvulsants I am used to the changing around now other meds. I guess he gives you what you can take!

Re: Re: Epileptic Women high risk for Osteoperosis

Submitted by angel_lts on Mon, 2006-12-18 - 21:09
I got osteopenia in 97. I just had blood work and my bones are back to normal. I have to say, I am sure it is from my progesterone that I am taking. But that is not why I was taking it. Make sure you do weight bearing exercises. take care lisa htttp://

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