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is it okay to become pregnant while on anti-epeltic meds?

Fri, 10/20/2006 - 19:24
Hi. I am 23 and was diag @ 3yrs ago with tonic clonis seizures. (but i have also had the petit mal seizures too.) i JUST now made 7 months no seizures. I have heard so many different things about how it's not safe to be pregnant if you have seizures...and how you it's not safe to take ANY medication while being pregnant. expecially anti-epileptic meds. so what do you do? what do you say? last year my neuro said since i was in childbearing age, he started me on folic acid just incase we "accidentally" got pregnant. then he told me that trileptal was not safe, and he wanted to try me on lamictal since my seizures weren't controlled with just the trileptal. so he wanted to try and get me off the trileptal and just on lamictal since it's supposedly safer. well once my trileptal dose got too low -- the seizures started up again. i absolutely hate having epilepsy!! so anyways, i am STILL on trileptal and lamictal. i want to have a baby within the next couple of years but am scared i will start with the seizures again and that will affect the pregnancy, or worse the meds will hurt the baby. i hope someone can give me some advice or support. i don't know anyone else who is around my age and has epilepsy. it's not in my family at all. and the dr's say i developed it from a blow to the head i got (and never went to the hospital for) a couple of years ago. please help me!!!!!!!!! thanks, akayn


Re: is it okay to become pregnant while on anti-epeltic meds?

Submitted by ladybug on Fri, 2006-10-20 - 21:29
Hi Akayn, I had to respond. I have had epilepsy the majority of my life. After I got married and started thinking about having babies, I was scared. BUT, I talked to my neuro and ob/gyn. Together they worked out what I should and should not be on. I have 3 beautiful happy healthy children. The youngest one turned 9 today. :) My advice? Listen to your doctors. They know what they are talking about. Folic acid is important for our bodies. Unfortunately, some of the meds we take can deplete our bodies of this. Take care, Keri "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "Plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

Re: Re: is it okay to become pregnant while on anti-epeltic meds

Submitted by akayn11803 on Sat, 2006-10-21 - 12:07
first of all happy birthday to your eldest! and thank you for your support. i'm sitting here crying my eyes out. so emotional today. i'm so happy i joined this site and have other people to talk to. were you on meds while you were pregnant? i'm on 600mg lamictal, and 900mg trileptal and like 4 or 6 mg of folic acid. (just in case dr said) i've heard so many bad stories of trileptal. when i've tried to get off, seizures come back. as soon as i get insurance i'm going to get a neuro (just moved back to this area) and go to my ob/gyn and see what they say. i'd like to try and start next year so i guess i'll have a yr to research. thanks for your help! and for making me smile!

Re: Re: Re: is it okay to become pregnant while on anti-epeltic

Submitted by ladybug on Sat, 2006-10-21 - 14:58
Thanks akayn! It's my youngest's birthday. lol That's ok. :) I understand the emotions. I remember when I joined this site. Just to be able to talk to people who've been there or are right there in the thick of things along with you helps. My husband is loving and supportive, but doesn't "get" what I'm going through. I was on meds with all 3 pregnancies. I was on phenobarb, dilantin and folic acid. I was fearful of going off of the meds, because I knew if I did I would seize. I've never been on trileptal. Do some research on it and see what you find. I have a few sites I like to go to, besides this one, for info on meds. A good site is It can give you oodles of info. Plus, I would just google trileptal. Glad I could make you smile. :)~ Take care, Keri "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "Plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

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