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Lamictal and pregnancy

Thu, 03/01/2007 - 15:49
Hello, I have been taking lamictal for almost 3 years. I just found out that I am 6 weeks pregnant. I know that the FDA just posted a message that this medication can increase the incidence of cleft lip/palate, but more research is also necessary. This really has me worried. Has anyone had a baby while on lamictal? If so, were there any complications with your baby/pregnacy? Thanks


"then you have to made the

Submitted by greenwire on Fri, 2007-04-13 - 15:33
"then you have to made the decision to have an amnio do to get confirmed results" ?? What do you mean I am a little confused, is that a problem?

Re: Lamictal and pregnancy

Submitted by mssarahs_mail on Thu, 2007-04-19 - 11:54
I copied this text from LTG is classified as an FDA pregnancy category C medication. Animal studies have not demonstrated teratogenicity. LTGs potential for inhibiting folate synthesis in humans indicates a potential for teratogenic effects that have not been studied.1 Studies concerning placental transfer of LTG to the fetus and late-term effects are lacking.

Re: Re: Lamictal and pregnancy

Submitted by heleno on Thu, 2007-06-14 - 18:44
I haven't a clue what that means but I have just had my third child. I was taking lamictal during all 3 pregnancies and everything went well. I have three beautifull healthy children my oldest is now at school and doing very well. From my experience number one make sure you take the high dose folic acid and second (and the more complicated aspect) manage your lamictal levels closely. My consultant was great and I was involved all through the pregnancies. The main aim was to maintain the level of lamictal in the blood during pregnancy - the problem being more blood in pregnancy therefore probably need more lamictal to ward off seizures. Now from previous discussions I see that some are on what I would call low levels of the drug!!!! I was on 600mg before I became pregnant - yes I know above recommended levels but it worked for me and my levels remained fairly low. During pregnancy my dose went up to 850mg. Sounds mad but I felt well and avoided seizures. Of course you need to watch levels after giving birth cos the volume of blood reduces therefore drugs become more concentrated and so need to reduce. I am now down to 475mg lowest for 6yrs and within recommended dosage. If I can do it anyone can. Don't be scared - I know me saying that won't help but I'll say it anyway. Good luck to all and bring on those sleepless nights!!!!!

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