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lamictal & estrogen levels

Sat, 12/09/2006 - 08:03
I have been on estrogen for 6+ years now because I was having hot flashes, night sweats, etc... and my blood level showed a very low level of estrogen. (I have PCOS.) Now that I have started lamictal, it seems those old symptoms are coming back. (I am on 350 mg. now and scheduled to up to 450 mg. next week.) With my ob/gyn's permission, I tried a little additional estrogen and the symptoms seem to have gone away. Is it possible that the lamictal is affecting my estrogen level? All the info I have read says that it doesn't, but there's definitely something going on here! I'd really appreciate hearing from anyone who has had similar problems, or has any knowledge of how lamictal might affect estrogen levels.


Re: lamictal & estrogen levels

Submitted by caboose on Sat, 2010-03-13 - 14:32
Wow - that's a great article.  A little old at this point, but pretty well written and sited!  Thanks!

Re: lamictal & estrogen levels

Submitted by gemplus4 on Mon, 2007-01-01 - 20:34
Hi, I'm new but I really want to respond because I've been having similar problems. I've taken Lamictal for a long time and it's worked great for me. But after a while I started having vaginitis which my OB/GYN said is due to low estrogen levels. After having this problem for months, I'm starting to suspect Lamictal has something to do with it. I know that studies showed that Lamictal reduces the levels of synthetic estrogen in people taking hormonal birth control, so I'm guessing it has similar effects on natural estrogen too. I also read in the perscribing information that side-effects of Lamictal can be female reproductive health problems (breast tenderness, vaginitis, menstrual irregularities, etc.) so I'm thinking reduced estrogen has something to do with it. It's interesting that you're having low-estrogen trouble as well, and I really think Lamictal could be causing it based on my own experience and information I've managed to find. In short, I'm going to discuss it with my neurologist next time I go and see what he says. I never brought it up before because it didn't occur to me that my low estrogen was related to Lamictal. Hopefully he'll have some answers. Good luck with everything!

Re: Re: lamictal & estrogen levels

Submitted by angelkitty06 on Mon, 2007-01-22 - 16:44
Hi, I have not been diagnosed with epilespy but I too take Lamictal 100 mg for Mood Disorder. Over the past year I have experienced terrible night sweets and have been told by my doc that it wasn't a SE of Lamictal. Recently I've also experience breast tenderness & can't help but think there must be a correlation between Lamictal and these symtoms. I though that something might be wrong with my thyroid (which was checked and no problems). My docs were at a loss & so was I until I read your posts. Hmmmm...

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