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Newly pregnant and taking Lamictal

Mon, 11/13/2006 - 16:28
Hey There, I'm new to this HELLO....Hope everyone is doing well! I just recently..actually 2 days ago found out i was pregnant..Yay! I'm currently taking lamictal for my seizures. I love it and have found that it has such a low risk of side effects when it comes to how you feel! It's a fairly new medication so if anyone is taking Lamictal I'd love to share stories and chat...also If anyone has advice on pregnancy while taking seizure meds. I would love to hear from you!


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Newly pregnant and takin

Submitted by stefnyling on Fri, 2007-11-02 - 00:30
I am seven months pregnant with what several ultrasounds and some very wonderful doctors have told me is a very healthy baby girl. The last ultrasound checked for any problems that could have risen with her palet. Everything is fine. I have been taking 2x100 mg of lamictal since I was about 6 weeks along for grand mal seizures that didn't start until I became pregnant. I also took folic acid during my first trimester to help prevent any possible birth defects. Although I am very aware that anything could come up between now and the delivery, so far all is well. Good luck with your pregnancy, and feel free to contact me with any more concerns. I will let you know when my little bundle of joy arrives (she is due January 26th) and the status of her health.

Re: Newly pregnant and taking Lamictal

Submitted by lilmummy on Sat, 2010-06-26 - 20:41

Hey I'm new to this site.

My name is Mandy, I'm currently taking lamicatal, I would say it is the safest medication to take while yout pregnant, i fell pregnant with my son who is now 3, and i was taking Epilum, which i didnt know much, i did research but been young i didnt really think anything bad could happen to my son, he was born with a perferated anus ( no bum hole) after 2 years i saw my specialist who changed me to Lamictal and told me its safest for woman who are trying to get pregnant or are pregnant, i'm now currently six weeks pregnant . I currentl take 75mlg twice daily with folic acid which i have been taking since my specialist put me on it, i have noticed its by far the best anti-epileptic pill i have taken.


Well i just thought id share my story.

Thanks Mandy

Add me uif youd like to share pregnancy storys   [email protected]

Hey I'm new to this site.

My name is Mandy, I'm currently taking lamicatal, I would say it is the safest medication to take while yout pregnant, i fell pregnant with my son who is now 3, and i was taking Epilum, which i didnt know much, i did research but been young i didnt really think anything bad could happen to my son, he was born with a perferated anus ( no bum hole) after 2 years i saw my specialist who changed me to Lamictal and told me its safest for woman who are trying to get pregnant or are pregnant, i'm now currently six weeks pregnant . I currentl take 75mlg twice daily with folic acid which i have been taking since my specialist put me on it, i have noticed its by far the best anti-epileptic pill i have taken.


Well i just thought id share my story.

Thanks Mandy

Add me uif youd like to share pregnancy storys   [email protected]

Re: Pregnant and taking Lamictal

Submitted by rockgal1 on Sun, 2012-12-16 - 00:32

Hi there Mandy

I felt a lot of hope from reading your pregnancy story, I'm trying to get pregnant and my doctor was trying to find info about the side affects this drug Lamictal can do during pregnancy, but I've found a lot which has given me a lot of hope. I'm taking folic acid and 400mlg of Lamictal a day, as far as I know it's the safest drug for women.

Thank you for your story.

Hi there Mandy

I felt a lot of hope from reading your pregnancy story, I'm trying to get pregnant and my doctor was trying to find info about the side affects this drug Lamictal can do during pregnancy, but I've found a lot which has given me a lot of hope. I'm taking folic acid and 400mlg of Lamictal a day, as far as I know it's the safest drug for women.

Thank you for your story.

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