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Overweight and Seizures-are they related?

Sat, 12/02/2006 - 13:20
I was diagnosed with epilepsy this past spring. I have always been a little "heavy", but with in the past two or three years I have really put on the weight. I have been wondering - if I loose weight will it help with controling my seizures? Like most people that I have come in contact with that are overweight - I REALLY WANT TO LOOSE WEIGHT! I am wondering if there is any one else out there that may have thought like I have. And if there is have they been successful. I know that being overweight is unhealthy all the way around, but I wonder if there may be really something to do with the medication absorption and that kind of thing - if there is more of you - you need more meds - or if there is less then you will need less! I hope that makes sense. I hope to hear from someone else on this, and I guess if I am nuts putting these two things together, then someone will maybe tell me that too.


Re: Overweight and Seizures-are they related?

Submitted by mbwoolley on Sat, 2006-12-02 - 20:46
I don't think your weight has anything to do with your seizures. I agree that you will need higher levels of meds when you weigh more and less when you weigh less. I know that my doc told me that towards the end of the pregnancy I am planning I will need to adjust my meds because of the weight gain. So if you're looking for a way to take lower doses of your meds. losing weight should accomplish that, but I don't think it will lessen your likelyhood of having a seizure.

Re: Overweight and Seizures-are they related?

Submitted by maraj on Tue, 2006-12-05 - 09:42
I'm wondering what med you are on? Depakote has been linked to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, which can lead to weight gain. Weight gain is also a side effect of Depakote, I think.

Re: Re: Overweight and Seizures-are they related?

Submitted by staciem on Thu, 2006-12-14 - 12:30
Exactly what you said! I have PCOS (totally unrelated to my seizure disorder, the PCOS predated it). I have read in many articles that there is a high incidence of PCOS in patients taking Depakote. I have also read that the PCOS can be reversed if the med is stopped.

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