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Seizures and Depression

Wed, 03/07/2007 - 06:36
Hi all...since being a seizure patient I've experienced just about everything there is. Now I'm dealing with depression due to the AED that I'm taking. It seems just about lots of AED's have that side effect. It's causing me so much problems at work that I quit. What more...I came back to work today after going home early from work yesterday 'coz the depression was hitting me hard that I had a hard time breathing. I know that if I can't get a hold of my emotions that it will trigger my seizures and that's what I'm afraid of. So, I went home. When I came back today (which was a bad move on my part 'coz I don't think I was quite ready to return), my co-worker that I work with in the classroom questioned me and wouldn't stop concerning what happened yesterday. I've already told her that I don't want to talk about it 'coz I'm trying to have a calm day, but she just doesn't get it. She even became downright hostile towards me basically acting as if what I'm going through is nothing. Hearing all the negativity from her mouth only made things worse for me. I had to leave the room. I talked to my boss in the office alone about what's bothering me because if I get over emotional then my seizures will hit me. That is the one thing that I do not want to happen which is why I've been asking my co-worker to drop this subject of what happened yesterday. It seems that she just doesn't have any compassion whatsoever for people who are dealing with depression or seizures. She thinks that it's big deal. But, what makes her such an expert when she's never had a seizure or depression in her life? So, as of today.....I no longer have a job. I just can't deal with all the garbage that I have to deal with. Do you know that I am so depressed that I was thinking about killing myself? It's how bad it is for me, but someone told me that if life starts to get basically too much to make sure that I tie a knot on that rope and hang on. Well, I was trying to hang on at work, but that rope became a thread and it just snapped. So, if I'm away from all the negativity perhaps my life can be a little easier. Still holing on to life.......


Re: Seizures and Depression

Submitted by anniemarie on Thu, 2007-04-12 - 04:48
Hi SG, Just wanted U to know that U are not alone on this Subject. I had to back off from work to and I filed for Disability. when I came back to work after my Grand-Mal Seizure and i was on Short Term for awhilethis one lady in my Department told me that I did not cut it at work and she told me that her and some other girls talked and thought I ws not pulling my load and said U dont want what happened to the other Girl we did not like. And believe it or not this was coming from s Co-worker that was not higher up, so I reported her. I was hysterical at the time and she hurt my feeling very bad plus if U are not in the click at work the other girls give U a hard time just to get U to quit. Before that they were giving me a hard time and I believe that was what brought on the Seizure. Well U know what between the meds messing with my mind plus all the stress and the side affects of the meds My doctor recommened me to go on Disability and then after that I reported all the incidents to the eeoc-Equal Employment Opputunity Commision to press Charges against her, Still waiting on word for that one. So believe me I know exactley what U are going thru. E-mail me sometime or talk with me on chat which I get on Frequently. anniemarie

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