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Topamax & Birth Control (Yasmin & LoEstrin)

Thu, 03/01/2007 - 22:28
Has anyone experienced unusual side effects while taking these brands or other brands of birth control in conjunction with their AED's? Side effects such as increased headaches, stomach problems, etc... I have been looking for information and have been in contact with my gyno & neuro, but it is like pulling teeth to get any information from them. I have just about decided to quit taking the pill all together! When you are married and it really doesn't matter whether or not you have kids anyway, why take them?? :)


Re: Re: Re: Topamax & Birth Control (Yasmin & LoEstrin)

Submitted by Heathermarie on Thu, 2007-04-26 - 07:34
i am on topamax and my obgyn said that is was okay to take either nuvaring or yasmin....i am going to try the nuvaring this month...i just went to the obgyn on April 20. so I haven't started either one yet...the nuvaring in the birth control that to put and it stays in there for 3 weeks i don't if I am going to like it or not...i am not planming on having kids....i don't want ti have kids and put them thur what i have been thur...i have had epilepsy since I was 8 and maybe even before that and now i am 24...

Re: Re: Re: Re: Topamax & Birth Control (Yasmin & LoEstrin)

Submitted by bex on Thu, 2007-04-26 - 09:21
Hi heather, I too am on topamax and yasmin and they seem to work well together for me my periods are regular, I'd tried a couple of other contraceptives pills that didn't work well for me but can't remember their names now. I would like kids one day, I'm 27 and have epilepsy since I was 15 and maybe like you even before. But my mum doesn't have it so it doesn't necessarily mean my kids would have it? I'm lucky in a way I've stopped having grandmal seizures and now have partial seizures so have decided in my mind if I have kids I would come of the tablets and just have to try and be as stress free as possible during that period. Even though the neuro wouldn't agree to taking me off at the moment as I'm still having seizures.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Topamax & Birth Control (Yasmin & LoEstrin)

Submitted by bex on Fri, 2007-04-27 - 13:13
I've just come across an article under the women section on aeds and the pill and how they interact( Its worth a read, topamax breaks down the pill differently so if you are experiencing this you might need different level of contraception. I was never made aware of this.

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