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Update - shorter mense cycles - is this the medication? Please help!

Mon, 01/08/2007 - 08:51
Hi there, Happy 2007 everyone! I was wondering if any of you women out there can help me please? Something has been troubling me lately. I'm concerned about my menstrual cycle basically. I used to be regular every month but the last few months (since Aug last year) my cycle has been starting a few days earlier than expected and I dont know why? I used to get it every roughly 30 days but now it has been more like 24/25 days. And last month it was expremely light for the first 3 days. I thought it was going to stop. But then it suddenly became heavy for a day and then normal for the next few days. It lasted 8 days in total when it normal lasts 5 days for me. I take tegeretol retard which I have been on since I was 14, Keppra which I have for the last few years now but i am in the middle of weaning myself off it and I am topamax which I have been on since May last year. I am 30 years old and I know early menopause can happen with women who have epilepsy too. I haven't had any children yet but I do want to so I hope it's not too late. I'm sure I'm worrying about nothing but I just want to be sure. Can anyone help me out here? I would appreciate it very much. Thanks in advance, Quirky


Re: Update - shorter mense cycles - is this the medication? Plea

Submitted by SaraOwens on Thu, 2007-01-18 - 18:13
There have been studies recently about Trileptal, a derivative of Tegratol, effecting the hormonal balance in women, causing infertility, and also it creates a kind of mucus build-up around the cervical opening, therefore messing things up, too. I just got my period after waiting for it for 11 months! The time before I had waited for 10 months! I tried a hormonal therapy during these past months, 10 days of taking a progesterone pill then cutting it off, but I think that just screwed me up, and I read after the fact that those types of therapy could be bad for a woman's system.

Re: Update - shorter mense cycles - is this the medication? Plea

Submitted by pixiedust on Sat, 2007-02-03 - 12:52
actually, I did some research which should help ya Valproic acid and sodium valproate (found in some anti-seizure medications) cause the following side effects: stomach and intestinal discomfort weight gain or loss hair loss **** menstrual bleeding changes trembling

Re: Re: Update - shorter mense cycles - is this the medication?

Submitted by quirky on Tue, 2007-02-06 - 08:45
Really? interesting....Ihave lost some weight but I'm sure that's because of topamax I take, one of the meds i take daily. Hair loss definitely, but that is also supposed to be another side effect topamax can cause. I did have abdominal discomfort last summer for a while but it went away. I never found out why I had that problem. Doctor couldn't figure it out physically. I'll check this out pixiedust, thanks for your info. very much appreciated, Quirky

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