Community Forum Archive

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Wed, 02/21/2007 - 13:27
I know that this post is up here somewhere already but i figured i'll post something anyway. I am 22 and horribly single. I've been in 2 relationships before but i was lucky. The first guy already knew about it and the second found out the hard way (I had a seizure in front of him) but after he found out he was cool with it. Then all the guys i meet now are totally immature and think having epilepsy is a joke. If I ever do meet someone and it gets serious, I was wondering when it is a good time to tell them that i have epilepsy. FYI: I'm not as brave as some other people in here who say just tell them upfront. I think I'm lucky enough to have found someone and i don't want to take my chances driving them away by telling them.


Re: when?

Submitted by zoe49576 on Wed, 2007-02-21 - 22:33
I was single for the longest time. Now I am with a great guy who understands my seizures. I think I told him up front about them, that way in case I had one he knew and wasn't scared away. I have been with him for 7 months. If you find someone who is immature about them, maybe they are not the best guy for you. It will all work out. Leah

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