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Sat, 02/18/2006 - 21:41
just wondering if anyone out there is having as has had the same problems with tegretol im on 100mg twice a day and i find i take one tablet at around 9am and i sleep til about 2 to 3pm i cant eat ive lost a stone in 10 days i take my next tablet around 8pm and thats me asleep til the next day i feel dizzy sick and have no appetite is this normal ive been on this medication for 2 weeks i cant work i have no life does this get better???


Re: Re: medication

Submitted by kev5920 on Mon, 2006-02-20 - 16:57
Hi Tracy, Sorry about the trouble with your seizures. I've had a bit of trouble myself and was just recently taken off Tegretol. The big question you should be asking is what kind of seizures you have. Are they Generalized, or are they Focal??? If they are generalized, Tegretol doesn't really work for those. Please let me know how everything is going. Take Care.

hi kev thaks for the reply

Submitted by tracymac2 on Mon, 2006-02-20 - 19:31
hi kev thaks for the reply i take only grand mal seizures its depressing gives me bad thoughts gettin better today though was in the chat room last nite really helped not hurting myself today so thats good got the doc tomorrow still confused by it all thanx take care x

Re: medication

Submitted by pinkangel_82 on Sun, 2006-02-19 - 12:38
Hi Tracy Sorry to hear about the problems your having with Tegretol. It does seem a very low dose of Tegretol your taking. You don't say whether your taking other AED's alongside it. From what you have said on here and the side effects your getting, it does sound like you should be taken off Tegretol and put on something else as soon as possible. Especially with regards to the big weight loss it has given you in a short space of time. I have been taking Tegretol for 16 years now - 400 mg morning and 600 mg evening. Since I started coming on this site I have found out from alot of other members that Tegretol can make a person put on weight. You should go and visit your GP, neurologist or epilepsy nurse for them to change your meds. Good Luck and hope all is better for you soon. Teri

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