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Sat, 02/18/2006 - 21:41
just wondering if anyone out there is having as has had the same problems with tegretol im on 100mg twice a day and i find i take one tablet at around 9am and i sleep til about 2 to 3pm i cant eat ive lost a stone in 10 days i take my next tablet around 8pm and thats me asleep til the next day i feel dizzy sick and have no appetite is this normal ive been on this medication for 2 weeks i cant work i have no life does this get better???


Re: Re: medication

Submitted by tracymac2 on Sun, 2006-02-19 - 19:20
hi pink thanks for your thoughts on this i guess im just at the end of my tether my doctor does not offer any other meds i have to wait til my hospital appointment in 5 weeks i have decided to stop the tegretol and ask my doctor to try to speed up my hospital appointment i must clarify the weight loss is down to i have no appetite and sleep through most meal times have you heard of any other aed i could suggest they try me on?i feel im on my own with my doctor but at least if i could say well try me on this aed he might do that thanks for your support tracy x

Re: Re: Re: medication

Submitted by spiz on Mon, 2006-02-20 - 01:21
Hi Tracy! I've been on Tegretol for 17 years now. I take 400mg. in the morning and 400mg. at night. When I first taking the medication, I also slept all the time and lost weight. I was also on Depakote (another one known for slapping weight on). Between the two of them, it took a good two months to start feeling better from the side effects of starting them. Then, believe me, the nausea was gone and I made up for lost time on eating. Of course, the not eating made me feel really bad, by itself. I did gain weight from the two, but the results of the meds were worth it to me. I considered them my magic pills when it came to seizure control. They haven't worked as well this last year, but I've had other health issues too which may be contributing, who knows? I'm sorry I didn't see your post sooner. Everybody's system is different and, of course, what works for me may do nothing for you. But I would suggest you give the medication more time for your body and system to adjust to it. Believe me...I know it's miserable being a total victim to the adjustment period. But it's sometimes the only way to know the true outcome of the possible benefits. Best of luck! -Spiz

Re: Re: Re: Re: medication

Submitted by pinkangel_82 on Mon, 2006-02-20 - 12:47
Hi Tracy Thanks for your reply yesterday. All I can suggest is that you try out this Tegretol for just a few more days and if your still not happy with it then your doctor has to prescribe you another alternative. Maybe you could suggest to him to return to the AED that you were taking before the Tegretol until your next hospital appointment in 5 weeks time. Tegretol is a first-line drug so you would probably need a different one of these. Keppra is a add-on drug which is a second-line alternative if the first one isn't effective enough. The kind of drug you will require all depends on what type of seizure you have. Some work best for different types. Only your neurologist, epilepsy nurse or doctor can suggest them to you. Good luck and don't worry too much. I know it is easier said than done. If you do get to the worse which hopefully you won't then go straight to your ER Hospital. Take Care Teri

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